Twisted Strings
A trap wide open but sounds meekly comes out,
Jittering somatic sensations without stop
Coffee breath finding a way to you, a route
Exchanging two cents of gossip. Without a doubt,
word makes it back to you and, drop,
the door, feelings meekly come out.
Skipping stones, walking lunges, out and about
But eventually a massive statue, a prop
that’s an obstacle to you on the route
At sunrise, sit down muffled in thought
Slowly collecting 2 weeks of morning dewdrops
but see the air bubbles still meekly come out
Moonlight, in my dreams you reach out
But I falter while attempting to reciprocate, plop
I fall in the rabbit hole, an endless route
Today the sky boasts the moon and sun’s clout
A string bounds then together, until chop
Scissors wide open, and memories meekly come out
Hoping the other string finds a way to me, a route