i watched a video
on YouTube that told
my life has worth something
and im gonna grow old
and im gonna be happy
though, it seems like a lie
and maybe just maybe
I'll find the right guy
I'll feel like I'm loved
I'll take myself at face value
and know I'm enough
that one day I'll see me
the way people do
that I'm not just a burden
or an object to use
I'll be on my deathbed
at age ninety-eight
and see my life was filled with
people i love, and songs i hate
I'll see everything as a blessing
and not something to overcome
maybe my skin will feel
the warmth of the sun
after years of the clouds
preventing it's shine
my grandchildren will see
my dark smile lines
my parents will be proud
and i will be prouder
i won't be scared to be outgoing
I'll speak up for myself louder
but that was just a video
made by a kid who doesn't know me
with no life experiences like mine
and nothing to show me
I'm gonna die
with nothing to show for it
and 100 years from now
no one will know of it
crazy, and sad
a nihilist maybe
with no one around
and no one to save me