The Narcissist
I stomp my feet and throw my fist in the air, "be quiet" my husband tells me. We have this fight at least once a week, and were both tired of. He asks me "what's wrong honey? why wont you talk to me?" I tell him "you're not a licensed therapist, I don't want to talk to you about my day. If I have a bad one you'll just tell me that 'all you have to think of is the positives. I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms over my chest, and I turn my back to the window. I wait for his answer and it went like this "I told you, you're thinking about everything the wrong way. I'm not trying to control you're answer, I'm trying to help you."
But I have told him OVER and OVER that I don't want his help, but he won't listen to me and he wont shut the hell up. I sit down in the chair next to me "I'm sorry if me having a bad day offends you, maybe you should try opening up to real emotions, you know? the ones that revolve around the universe, not just trying to get me to be happy all of the time"
"But I just want what's best for you" I roll my eyes again
"you don't want that, you won't let me answer my own questions, not even in the doctors office."
"you didn't know what you were saying, you're pretty stupid"
I'm in under grad studying advanced leadership skills, passing with a 4.0. I knew that he hated me for going to school and finishing my degree. He thought that he was smarter then I was, and that he was the king of the world.
"Stop calling me stupid and maybe I would actually be attracted to you. But right now? I see you only as a pathetic lazy narcissist, with no work ethic, and what else? oh, a grumpy old man who dies alone." I huffed, grabbed my book, got up from the chair and went into the family bed room where I read until I finally fell asleep. Thinking about the days where I would finally be free from this monster but for now, I was living in a life sucking nightmare, that would never seem to stop. The end.