blue: how it looks/feels
poetry or prose, describe to me what the color blue looks or feels like. the more descriptive, the better.
blue skies blue sea
it's what one expects to see
but did you know?
blue is best
to use as a backdrop
for portrait colour
blue complements
brown skin tones.
we used the colour blue
when my husband
the Photographer,
and I,
travelled around
the island
taking photos
of ordinary people.
Blue. what did the colour
do? it bought the portrait
to life. subjects were focused
to center stage, smiling true .
The sky and sea merge
blue haze in the air
we live on a tropical
Blue is everyhwere.
royal blue.
indigo blue
aquamarine blue
turquoise blue
persian blue
blue kingfisher
blue river
Simon blue
Barefoot Blue.
No chance of being Blue
Colour heals you.