Chapter-V:The wandering woman
Far from the main land, beyond the dark dense woods, was a desert and a market.
There was an old lady who was selling some birds. She had lovebirds, cuckoos, nightingales and many sparrows.
She had some other wonderful creatures too. They helped her by this business as they loved her. The woman earned using these and also fed the caged creatures.
She loved to take care of them and smiled happily while spending her time with them. She was also very artistic but was unable to show it due to weakness. She lived in a very small tatched hut. She had very few things and was happy with those.
But, every night she sobbed bitterly. She thought she was a great sinner, to live such a life. As days passed, there came the day of witches. Suddenly queen Pruthvi appeared in her dream. She told her about the eternal lake and her lost sister.
Queen Pruthvi had a sister, who was lost in their youth. She was a very charming, talented and young girl. She once went to the dark woods but never returned, even her belongings with her were not found. Her beautiful white mare disappeared with her. The queen said the lake was the only way to change all. The woman accepted.
The queen also gave her the duty of finding her cursed daughter. The woman happily accepted the duty given to her. The queen told her she was the only living thing who had the power to do this.