Monthly Nonfiction Challenge for March.
Give us your own beginning to a story of you, starting wherever you think is best: Childhood, your first job, your first love, heartbreak, adventure. Tell us about you, the real story. The truth is interesting enough. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -We're your roast. Baste us.
Childhood of Dreams
Growing up, thought it was normal
Thought it was what everyone had
Never neglected, always supported
I owe so much to my mom and dad
Had boundaries but freedom
Space to allow me to grow
Innocence from wrong from right
Carried that happy go lucky glow
Given experience in travel and sports
Learned to play on a team
Give your all for the greater good
Built up my self esteem
Never heard them argue
Never heard them fight
They had their disagreements
But didn't matter who was right
Best friends for almost 60 years
Always relied on each other
Dad thought he was the smarter one
But I know I it was my mother