Trusting in Your Shadows
As I descend to charcoal depths
impure blood roils and seethes
churning waves and troubled spirits.
Naked and ashamed I stand
in darkness too powerful to battle
washed over me by your presence,
a touch as cold as night.
My unhinged soul
is ripped asunder,
embers sputtering in my cage.
I kneel in your shadow and wonder
if I’ll ever taste purity again.
Death hides in your dulcet words
entrenched wickedness emanating
as you stands with black raven
perched on your shoulder,
savage heart unfolding.
My inner pain throbs
broken rib cages
tossed in spite
on refuse piles.
Hidden cuts,
scarring my eyes,
wash into my body.
I wonder if I’ll ever know
what’s right for me
as I cling to you
realizing in pangs
that you are my destiny.
I find the trust I seek
in you,
knowing your murkiness
is embroiled and ever present.
My trusting ravished core
joins you in your shadows.