You are water, I am land
That's why every time you hold my hand, I take you in
And though I love the taste of you and how you make me feel
Too much of you has nearly been the death of me
Still, I wait
As the shore waits for the waves
To taste you one more time and make you mine
And though the waves are fleeting
As land, I hold on to the pieces that bind with what I am
Until the sun comes to claim you
Unless you want to come inside
There are two rules for survival at this point
Go deep and come frequently
For as long as I am wet, you live inside of me
And if I dry, the sun may have us both
But it will have you first and for certain
While I can thrive from your demise as well and I will have ample time to find another source of life that compliments mine
There is no going back for you
Only to and fro, my sea