my illness commonplace
diagnosed too often long ago
bipolar cyclic insanity manic depression
oh how I long for those blasted highs
that shot me up magnificent unstoppable invincible
only to lay me lower than I thought a man could go
for a period that felt like every cat's life had past
and then up I went fighting invisible dragons
with the shifting of the sun's angle
only to fall like the wicked in my own vomit feces
till the meds came and evened me like a pancake
dry gummy fried over easy chalk in my mouth
and then you sit leering over me
expecting to hear me retell every sordid tale
to which you nod hmmm take notes on crumbled paper
trash thrown to the floor I will never be whole you say
I spit you out to grab back on the horse that brung me
but the pony won't gallop do tricks I've lost my ride
so back into darkness Plato's cave to meander
lost alone to find soul mind meaning self
which self is me?
do I exist without my illness?
medicated unmedicated who am I?