This broken record was a hit five years ago
Guess it’s true what they say
You need to go through shit to keep writing
I can feel it coming back
I’m drinking a lot and writing a lot
I see see something in myself
Something familiar
The only things that never
leave or change
the bottle
and the smoke
How long has it been now
Since I’ve really written
Your youngest is almost 3
So yeah that sounds about right
Almost 3 years that I’ve felt like
I’m in a never ending loop of
pain and heartbreak
Unlike what you may think
You’re not the bad guy in my story
I am
I started this
and didn’t know how to end it
I was too fragile
too delicate
I hope you understand
that I don’t blame you
and that I couldn’t walk away
cause everyone always walked away
and goddamnit I love you
Thank you for never leaving me
and staying through
what I know couldn’t have been easy
Thank for being the one who never really walked away
and just helped me though it
Te amo
Y te amaré siempre