Monstrous application
Name: Grendel
Birthday: who knows
Address: just under the lake of fire snakes in a cave. (lives with his mother)
Occupations: Terrorizing and killing the Danes and the destroying their mead hall at night. Also pretends to be a god called the Destroyer from time to time.
Reason for travel: Just been killed and it was caused by Beowulf so I need to get to the under world for monsters like me. It was pure chance that he won the fight because I slipped on some blood, but in the end I jumped off of the cliff. I have to die with some dignity, you know. I wonder if the dragon is there too.
Medical Issues: I tend to go crazy and hallucinate from time to time but you will never know if the dragon was real. I also tend to be an unreliable narrator when I tell a story.
Criminal Record: Slaughter of many Danes. Destruction of the property of the Danes. Sexual harassment of Wealtheow, a married women. Impersonating a god. Eavesdropping on all humans.
Result: Accepted. I hated those Danes too. Welcome to the underworld.
Yours truly,
Well you all should know
who I am
This has been inspired by the novel "Grendel" by John Gardner just incase you were interested.