Passport Application
First Name; Frank
Other Names; Norman
Last Name; Stein
Occupation; Murderer, Stalker, Occasional movie extra, bringer of nightmares.
Height; Six foot Eleven
Sex; Male, mostly.
Weight; 650 pounds
Tattoos or visible distinguishing marks; Horrendous scar on forehead, large hexagonal bolt which protrudes either side of neck, various lacerations, enormous bulbous forehead. Rotting skin and teeth. Foul breath. Peculiar speech. Diving boots.
Next Of Kin; Miss Mary Shelley.
Home Address; This could be difficult.
Referees; Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Lon Chaney Jnr, Christopher Lee, plus plenty other 'B' Movie Legends.
Reason for Application; I wish to travel to England to study watercolour painting and the extended works of Geoffrey Chaucer, maybe.
Any Other Information; He's making me mad, boss.
From The Depths
Name(s):Cthulu,Yogsothoth,Great Old One,Ancient Horror,Carl
Home Country:City of R'lyeh mercifully sunken beneath the depths of the Pacific Ocean
glurr...many have been driven mad to know their true purpose.
Distinctive traits: Eyes of doom and octopus tentacle beard. Seeing my full form drives men mad.
Purpose Of Visit:To see the grand wonders of the world before they are gone at The Rising Of All Those Once Forgotten.
Also I would like a nice cheesecake.
Monstrous application
Name: Grendel
Birthday: who knows
Address: just under the lake of fire snakes in a cave. (lives with his mother)
Occupations: Terrorizing and killing the Danes and the destroying their mead hall at night. Also pretends to be a god called the Destroyer from time to time.
Reason for travel: Just been killed and it was caused by Beowulf so I need to get to the under world for monsters like me. It was pure chance that he won the fight because I slipped on some blood, but in the end I jumped off of the cliff. I have to die with some dignity, you know. I wonder if the dragon is there too.
Medical Issues: I tend to go crazy and hallucinate from time to time but you will never know if the dragon was real. I also tend to be an unreliable narrator when I tell a story.
Criminal Record: Slaughter of many Danes. Destruction of the property of the Danes. Sexual harassment of Wealtheow, a married women. Impersonating a god. Eavesdropping on all humans.
Result: Accepted. I hated those Danes too. Welcome to the underworld.
Yours truly,
Well you all should know
who I am
This has been inspired by the novel "Grendel" by John Gardner just incase you were interested.