Comehere! Listen!
his whisper is urgent.
Scared, I close the washer and
put down the detergent.
Eyes wide I follow and
stand where he tells me.
I stay there with head cocked
and listen quietly.
I don't hear it, I tell him
with no hesitation.
You aren't listening! He growls,
face full of frustration.
I love him and feel like
I should have sympathy
Patiently I hug him.
Trust me, I plea.
Stand right here and listen!
(He's at it again)
I know I'll hear nothing
but for him I pretend
Can't you hear my father?
he practically begs
I can't, I say as
I hide shaking legs
Your dad isnt here.
He's 3000 miles away.
I hear him again
just like the other day!
It's all in your head,
and you know it's not real.
This time... Fuck!
You don't know how I feel!
Come here! Hurry!
There are people outside!
Eyes roll. Here we go..
Wish I could just hide.
He pulls me and
I follow him reluctantly.
This time my annoyance is
quite plain to see.
Your a bitch! He whispers,
peeking outside.
Really? Let me prove that
your mind's on a ride.
I throw open our front door
and step into the night
Who is out here? I yell.
Come out and fight!
Get back here! he whispers,
knowing he lost.
I obey and go hug him
only feeling exhaust.
I know it isn't his fault
he's scared and paranoid.
As a child his dad beat him
while his mom would avoid.
Its midnight.
I'm jolted awake in a fright.
His hand's round my throat
his grip pretty tight.
Before I can respond,
he wakes up from a dream.
He thought I was his father,
I couldn't even scream.
Paranoid schizophrenia,
the doctor boldly proclaims.
Auditory hallucinations are just
part of the games.
His mind will convince him
he has something to fear
Month in and month out,
year after year!
Oh and I'm not thru, miss.
See that isn't all
Your man's pretty fucked up.
You're gonna have a ball.
Bi-polar disorder and PTSD
Manic depression and I'm
fairly sure ADHD!
Our son was born and
I got it figured out.
Staying out of sympathy isn't
what life is about.
If his issues hadn't been excuse
to beat up on me...
I would have stayed.
Helped him find a way to be free.