Oh mum! why do you have to go living me in this painful and wicked world, i remember all the promises you made to me yet you were unable to fulfill them. I know if you were to be alive wont go all through this suffering and pains, i can't bear it any longer it's just too much for my little heart to bear, why, why, mum why, why now, why to you have to go now, no matter what mum, you would always be remembered in my little heart.
Knowing the right thing to do at the right time, knowing that you will achieve your dreams and fulfill your potential, knowing that you can reach the top when you know the right thing to do, knowing the right way to overcome challenges and fears which is inevitable in ones life.
The best achievement a man could achieve is to fulfill his destiny and enjoy what he has labor for, making the right decision and follow the right path, never get distracted but concentrate more on doing what you know best and love most.
Never wish for what you can't fulfill, never dream of were you cant reach rather dream of what you know you are cable of doing. no one is useless or wasteful everyone has a gifted but its left for us to concentrate and tap on that gift in us. keep trying even if your not get getting it right don't feel discourage just believe that one day you get there.