where did Monday go?
Me: i dont know and i dont care.
Some random dude: I heard that the russians stole it.
Me: Random dude I dont care monday is not gone we are just calling monday tuesday, and tuesday wendsday, and wednsday thursday, and thursday friday, and friday saterday, and saterday sunday, but its really still the same amount of days.
Some randome chick: at least now we only have to go to school four times a week.
Me: yeah sure whatever.
Ive done it! I have invented the mechine of the century! The cloneing machine(untill i invent the time machine of corse). Now people can make mindless drones that do anything there master wants at a simple command. Lets give it a try! I have cloned my next dooe neighbor by simply using one little pice of her hair. it really is that simple. Now lets see I think Im hungry for a sandwich. sandra go make me a sandwich."yes master" ok thank you sandra. so as you can see she is going to go make me a sandwich. oh look shes back already. Mmmmm lets have a bite shall we. Plah! what... what is this sandra? "Its a sand wich just like you asked for" Nooooo sandra a sandwich is two pices of bread with some bolony in the middle not with actual sand in it. where did you get this sand any way?" from the cat box sir"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhr oh gosh I need to bath my mouth in soup oh no do you mean the litter box! "yes sir" oraaaa! Ok lets try somthing else hmmmmmmmmmmm.... oh ive got it why dont you play us a song on the piano over there."ok master"biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggggggg boooooooooooong" sandra stop stop" did I do somthing wrong master sir" yes what was that?"it was a song on the piano". That was no song god this was a mistake i should never had made you i wish you would just disapear. "ok master sir" Wait sandra where are you going? SAAAANNNNNDDRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!