What can you do about it?
break eye contact with God
wipe your smile off my face
praise the state of—
the suit of clubs
replace each o
with an a
the internet
its Frankenstein
stop counting
the calories
from our third date
change the locks
change the fraction
change it back
time myself
counting photons
on their way back
from Pluto
outrage the earthquakes
that bring me
to my knees
curl the earth
under each fingernail
Poem ending with a line by Maggie Nelson
From here, the sound of you
swings left; my heart
wants you first and I
shadow. The day
we met, she kissed
you and I became her.
From then, the sound of you
was the ocean, the timbre
of waves lapping golden.
And you were my
missing skin and what
I know: when I met you,
a blue rush began.
Another Life
after Mandy Moe Pwint Tu
In another life, I find God
in darkness, tending
his flock of yeast—his
sourdough genesis!
He curates inedible births,
frothing jars of asexual
reproduction—no Adam
and Eve this time!
In another life, God
wears animal pajamas
to bed—generations
of creatures, un-sunk.
In another life, God sleeps
in—takes the weekend off!
No dominion for man.
In another life, I remain
Love Felt
after Saeed Jones
The Hanged Man, in reverse.
am i off the hook?
has the world righted itself?
should i know who i am now?
The Tower, upright.
no. the world remains ravaged.
i’m just in the rubble.
stardust like the rest of us.
The Sun, never comes out.
the mondays and wednesdays belong to him
and i’ve been chasing the moon
slow-roasting wounds for a map of stars
Cards on the table.
i’m not really here.
i’m vacuum-sealed in a cabin, second planet from the edge of the universe.
i just wanted to know what love felt like.
Love Letters
after Jeanann Verlee
Dear E,
You asked if I needed time. Yes, with you. I need more time than my body can give.
I love you. You’re it. Full stop.
Dear C,
I wanted your hand in the sun but you just wanted a body to haunt.
Dear V,
We never should have happened. But I still talk to you in the dark.
Dear H,
I still hate your pedestal. I hope you liked the crash. I sure did.
Dear W,
You loved me a lifetime in six weeks. I’m sorry I left.
Dear A,
You can stop running now. I’m not there anymore.
Dear D,
I loved you first. You never had to say it back.
Dear R,
I almost believed you, you little shit.
Dear P,
I still don’t like you. Stop texting.
Dear E,
I love you. You’re it. Full stop.
Multiple Choice
after Jose Olivarez
a blue flame—gas-burner
a simmer
a boil
scarcely kindled
biding un-made
amidst blue
seething tendrils
and I am
(a) livid
(b) heartsick
(c) unquiet
(d) hopeless
(e) everything in between
darkling whirlwind, uncoiled
a blitz
a raze
the aftermath—a
onto island
of one
held breath
’til another
When People Ask How I’m Doing
after Rudy Francisco
I deflect
and ask how they are
watch through their windows
to catch a mirror—find
a glint of a slip
do you also breathe different behind closed doors?
break bank to buy normal?
skin your skin because you know yourself?
Are we the same?
I find
they are asking about themselves
my non-answer for their own
a lazy hope
for tether
do you also let your wrists be pulled?
find your tears circling the drain?
watch me watch you and break cover?
Are we the same?
I lie
don’t disclose my bpm—higher
when I pretend, when my days reorder
themselves to bury truth and my nights—
do you also concede to the holiness of words?
need space to fall in love?
not sleep to memorize?
Are we the same?