"i miss you," said 12-year-old me, quietly, and to herself. it was at a late hour, and she was thinking about many different things. she missed her happier life, the place she used to live, all of her friends, but perhaps the thing she missed most was something she hadn't even experienced yet. you see, she would come up with stories in her head all the time about things she thought were going to happen in the future. she never second-guessed those stories; she just assumed they would all become a reality someday. so then, she started playing them in her head so many times that she felt like they already happened. she says, "i miss you" even though the "you" is just herself years in the future. let's skip to me now, in the present time. so many of those stories were proven to be just stories. what i thought my life was going to be was nothing like how it turned out to be. i find myself remembering things from the past in ways that are just stories, and not the reality of how those things actually happened and how i felt. so if my younger self could speak to me now, i would just want to say, "i miss you too."