Superhero: Adaptation
Adaptation has the ability to become what an enemy would find appealing, thus trapping the outlaw. The abuse of powers have caused womanizing, larceny and general manipulation. He is similar to a camillian wearing an iridescent suit, although Adaptation remains clearly visible making the abuse he performs a self deception at least and toting superpower entitlement at most. Any hero flaw can be justified, but Adaptation cares only about becoming what other people would perceive as wonderful. He brings to culture a sickness of kindness that cares less for other's values rather than how he presents his concern for others. He may foul up plans of wicked planners, but accidentally seduce a married women. Yes, the economy will be spared, yet his lavish lifestyle absorbs the tax payer resources beyond a reasonable servant. He takes clues from polititions and self serving leaders to compete for an entertainer's inflated income. He is not as much a vigilante as he is hired gun of the weak side of government.