Day One
The day started at exactly 12:01 A.M.
Coincidentally, so did the apocalypse.
Everyone I know is dead. It spread so quickly through my area, I haven't even found one person still alive.
It's 10 p.m. at night, and my flashlight is starting to dim. I'm trying so hard to stay alive, but I know I'll just end up one of the casualties of the apocalypse. Another zombie to be put down, another body to be burned, another human who died early.
It seems the entire town decided to have a party at my place without my permission, because the house is flooded and surrounded with the walking dead.
I can hear them scratching at my door. I probably won't survive to see the sun.
But... In a world like this, I'm not sure I want to.
-Hannah Leona Whittman
My Grandparent’s Farm
My Grandpa’s farm
Is the perfect setting
A pale purple house rests on a hill
Almost faded to the point of gray
I see it from the old gravel road
On top of the rolling hills
Hidden by trees that keep mulberries in their branches
I see it through the kicked up chalky dust
That coats the car with a layer of thin powder
When the sun comes up
In front of the old purple house
The dew catches on the garden
The sun shines over the hill
And makes all the land sparkle
and the air mist
From the house on a hill
I can see the fields
The cows and the pond
The timber hides the horizon
From every direction
The lower lot
Filled with fresh clay
and a big blue barn
Is overflowing with life.
Cows, cats, and Jadie
The old lab who follows me dutifully
Wherever I go
In the house
There is always a good meal
A glass window
That makes rainbows on the carpet as the sun streams through it
There is a big calico cat
Who sits on my lap as Grandma teaches me to embroider
Or as I watch an old movie on a faded print couch in the den
There are many little oil lamps
Jewelry boxes
and warm quilts
I will never let my grandparent’s farm
Leave my heart
Or my head
Even when It’s long gone
It’s Coming
I feel it
Deep in my chest
I feel my muscles twist
Feel panic creep into my senses
I'm terrified
Of nothing
Of everything
Anxiety twists my heart
And gnaws at my soul
It makes me feel
Makes me feel
Makes me worry
Over nothing
Is it nothing?
Am I terrified
For no reason?
I can't kill this monster in my chest
With logic
With Reason
Or knowledge
It doesn't matter
It's coming.
I can feel it rising up
Ready to twist my heart
Once again
We've been friends for so long.
You've been beside my side, been there for me
Since the day I met you
I wish...
But no. I'll never tell you.
Never ruin what we have.
I won't take the chance.
You're so perfect
While I'm so far gone
That I'll never join you
When we both depart
I'll be far below you as you soar
As you should've without me holding you down
Holding you back