One days our chairs will be empty
Our lives but only a whisper
Distance ripples in the universe of life
My heart beats today
As the ocean waves crash around me
Making the most of this moment
For one day the chair will be empty
So I breathe the salty air
Drawing each breath deeply
With immense gratitude
And deep respect for all I have
Today my chair is not empty
I lay here
Blissfully in my bed
Thoughts swirling in my head
I'm reminded by your lies
The lies are many
You don't think anyone notices
You think you have all fooled
But indeed you don't
I hope you find truth someday
I hope you find peace
But I'm stepping away
Away from your lies
Away from your flame
Away from your danger
Icy grip
Your grip no longer holds me
Your words no longer control me
You thought you won
But in the end you lost
So much more than you've realized
I walked away
Head held high
Living a wonderful life
While you rot in your own anger
I will not return anger with anger
And hate with hate
I will keep walking.