Dear Marianne,
My love for you
Is an exaltation
Of larks.
I feel,
But frequently
Don’t show
Which I suppose
Is like
Cold fires
Of snow-flakes,
And my love
For you
Remains a process –
Dark is turning
Inside out.
My love
Is not shown
Easily –
I feel
So strongly
Yet I cannot
Put it on display –
My love
Is like the
Of leaves
Or early snow,
But often
But if you
Look carefully
My eyes,
Must be kind.
When we’re together
We will glide
Pine needle slopes.
Sanity Undresses
Paint a hue the exact shade
of cornflower, I am besotted
without caution to evil distilled
in her movement as she walks.
What distinguishes adulation
from loathing? There is no easy
equation: love and detestation
intermingle sans logic
and I battle begrudging
desire difficult to slake.
She swaths a careless path
with each wide arc of comeliness;
she cares not what precarious
obsession she invokes or
the tender infatuations she fells.
Beauty does not beget goodness,
heaven's failing at our conception.
The Comfortable Pain
I know it sounds twisted
But I think I didn't mind the abuse because after a while it was comfortable. Not the bruises, or the scrapes. Not the nights I spent hours scrubbing my own blood out of the carpet. Not the 3ams puking my guts out in the bathroom. Not the headaches I got for weeks every time my head was slammed against a wall.
The comfort came in knowing what to expect. Sure, I expected my abuser to kill me eventually, but not until I was useless. If I stopped being attractive or forgiving or giving, then my fate was sealed. But as long as I could cry and scream and apologize, I felt like a few more bruises would be sort of okay.
My mind wanders back to those times quite often. I get flashbacks of myself dangling in the air with a hand firmly gripped around my neck. I can see that person on top of me. I can feel the weight of a fist on my cheekbone, and the sting of a foot plunging into my ribcage. I remember the ache of healing bones, and the trembling of my hands as I stitched my own wounds closed.
Maybe I should have gotten help sooner. Maybe I should have run, or stood up for myself. Maybe I should not have let myself get comfortable. But I did. It happened. To this day, I am afraid of falling back into that comfort. I am afraid of letting another human being control me, hurt me, abuse me. I am afraid of the outcome, or maybe that there would be no outcome.
I am burdened by my choice to stay, but I never felt like I was making a choice. It felt like I was chained to the walls of that house. Unable to escape. Incapable of remembering that there was an entire world out there. A world with bad in it, but also so much good.
You probably don't understand how I could call that comfort. Knowing that someone would nearly kill me nearly every day. It was though. The unknown and unexpected can be terrifying. If I had been a different person then, I might have been stronger and been able to leave or fight back. I am fragile, and I have always been fragile. I look strong, sometimes I act strong, but I am very breakable. I was broken. I was tamed and put in a box. I was reminded that I was not my own with every word that was spoken and every beating I took. I was not my own. I was someone's property, someone's project.
It is a comfort now, knowing that there is so much more out there. I don't belong to anyone. I am still learning to belong to myself. I am getting better. I am adjusting to the freedoms this life has to offer. I am clean, scarred, and hopeful.
I need a name
The boy has died
His fantastical needs and shipwreck dreams have faded past slumber
The clock hands, for nearly a minute, came to rest and now turn back
Ticking louder, striking ominously
Before it's too late
I need a name
That can be echoed off canyon walls
Carried along riverbeds
And drifted out to sea
You see, I was salt once
A crystalline palace in the palm of your hand
Fragile if you knew you were crushing me
But now I'm stone, rounded by the currents of reality and tumbled along eroding shorelines of exposed and twisted mangrove roots
Little hairs being stripped bare and beaten into submission
Left behind, it's the salt that shines, in the sun
I was a force once but I'm not the same
I need a name
I was written next you
I was called out loud and had taken vows
Little voices could cry, daddy
Now they cry
They shout only a void
A hole
I feel like a wishing well that's ashamed of the scam and if there were a way I could give all those wishes back, I would
But I'm empty
I'm silent
I need a name
A name that is proud
That says I believe what I'm talking about, that I've seen enough of this world and can convince two little girls that the world is their oyster
And they are the shiny pearls
But who am I
Who am I to make such grand statements
Who am I to flip coins back into the pockets of daydreamers or take offense when life made no sense and you changed your name
Who am I, a stone, dead weight whose spent enough time on the beaches of fate a saw firsthand that we're all losing ground at an alarming rate
Who am I
I need a name