It was love
Long time ago it was written
They knew they would meet
Only the right time hand to occur
The pathway was winding
But then it happened and they sang
A melody of a joyous choir
Sent the hearts to join
There two souls warm and happy
Now two lovers understand the draw
That all layers matches up perfect
Onward they walk on the path of love
Never apart the souls won't let it
How do you write? What inspires you? Do you have to be alone? Do you write in the middle of the night? Are you an early bird? I want to know what the writing process is for you? Fascinate me by telling me how the words come to you! I know you have a story! We all do! Let's make it interesting and do it in a poem! Of course, that's just a preference, anything you're comfortable with. I just want to know your creative process. I will do one too! Don't forget to tag me! At least 50 words!
Sometimes the words just come to me
Rays of knowledge and insight
Shine down on me
Like the mighty sun's light
Words run in my veins
Ideas form from midair
My brain is like a spider
Spinning its constant webs
A web designed to catch thoughts
And inspiration
It strikes like lightening
I am a mere servant
To creativity