I Forgot to Tell You
I forgot to tell you
I saw him today
That boy we both knew
One long, hot summer
When all we were
Was bare feet
And blue bikinis
And big young smiles
I forgot to tell you
That he stopped me today
He hasn't changed much
The sun still favors him
And his golden hair
And large expanse
Of tan skin
I forgot to tell you
That I knew him
Knew the lips
That knew us both
But knew me
Much, much better
I forgot to tell you
That he taught me
To sleep under the stars
And was the first
To call me beautiful
I forgot to tell you
That he was the first
To steal from me
Without an apology
I forgot to tell you
I thought I loved him
And he loved me
I forgot to tell you
He changed me
I forgot to tell you.
Everything Ends
I'm not sure why every leaf must die,
Why every sun must set and disappear,
Or even why every love must fade away.
I wish I didn't know that everything ends,
Even you, even me, even us,
Even every leaf
On that damn tree you carved us into
Must die
And I'd be lying if I said I had any clue why.
But I know one day
It'll just be winter
It'll just be night
It'll just be lonely
It'll just be nothing
Because even every leaf must die.
The Good Girl and the Bad Boy
She falls in love,
As often as he falls
In bed with strange women,
She kisses with passion,
And he only with intent,
Their collision will be catastrophic,
The classic tale
Of the good girl and the bad boy,
She falls in love,
And he falls in lust,
And trust me, he always wins the game,
And down, down she goes
I’m Living
I'm living a life that's not entirely my own,
I make decisions that I can't control,
I see the world flashing past,
And I feel myself lagging behind,
But I can't catch up,
And apparently no one can hear my screams,
My mind and I are battling
In a constant war where no one gets the upper hand,
And often enough my heart joins in,
And I'm falling apart.
I'm living a life that's not completely my own,
I talk to people I'd rather not,
I kiss men I wish I didn't,
I fall in love with others
That I know are meant only
To break my heart and tear my soul,
But even when I meet a man
I know will treat me right,
Still I choose the bad boy,
And I'm falling apart.
I'm living a life that's not at all my own,
I try too hard to please people I don't like,
My smiles are more often fake than they are real,
I've mastered the art of the false laugh,
I know better than anyone
How to say, "I'm fine" when I'm obviously not,
I know only to cry in the shower
Where no one will know
And the water washes away the evidence
And I'm falling apart.
I'm not living a life,
My mind has gone blank,
And my heart has stopped working
And all I know,
All I know
Is that the pain is good,
The pain helps,
And no one will ever notice,
I don't want them to know,
I've fallen apart.
I'm not living a life on my own,
I have someone who checks for marks,
And another who's always there to talk,
The voices in my head are growing quiet,
And my heart is slowly being mended,
I've started to smile for real,
And express genuine emotion,
I'm learning that it's okay that I'm not fine
And sometimes it's good to cry,
And I'm putting myself back together.
At night
When the darkness
Seeps in around me,
And I'm all alone
With my thoughts,
The truth creeps out
From that cave
It spent the day hibernating in,
And whispers in my ear
All the things
I've lied to myself about,
And don't think
I don't know they're lies,
In the daylight
I can delude myself,
But the stars
They confront me
They say,
"You're not over him."
And I know
I know
But when the sun rises,
And he's with her,
And I'm with you
I smile and ask,
"Who could ever
Love someone
Like him?"
And you don't know the difference,
And I don't know the difference