Wind Up for Yeast
Sought of deliverance, cast with imbued, Life is full of dismayed, but never lose hope, there is always way out, tomorrow is arrow, dust is in the wind, it will die. Another failure had come, doing the tasked in fat, a den of lion, received the jot of care I has.
I sat and fell core, it does not renounced the sought, so, thou it cause, to renew once mid, I say was the very first taught I received from her.
Tis so Sweet to Trust Jesus
Lo, beyond nest, it is Jesus, the Christ Nazareth, that hath compassion in Us. Behind bars, there is see, that Christ is the power of everlasting hand. You, who fought nest, Christ abhor, that there are nations afar to Thee, whom We can let assure, that kneel before, Christ is the very one old to see in heaven core.
Jot in Failure
However possible, my Lif had been a triumphant hole of success, for my Love has been so blessed in all ways. Thank You to God, who lots to Our Mighty, that leave like a standard clever, renouncing wisdom, and adorable feedbacks. In Thy form, my words were the one who prosper as a security of flesh. So announce, that dwell in all curve, love with so mend, that choosing lovable antonyms.
Dust of Native Blood
Son, I am at fought, I am at crave. Soon, there'll be a fountain, and You will be in cast. Whereby, hallow thy seal, and it will follow the jinx, for tomorrow is again a native accurate in dawn, surrender You, who fought, like washed your feet and it will cure the southern of your accuracy. Love it all of You.
Despicable Land
I set my foot unto Thee. Take away Thy gate of frustration, and till the new sand in fall. Every accurate living, set a thousand Father, for in despair amused like Sovereign, thus, corporate land and toil, benign dust, cruel fatten, and terrible wisdom.
Long with such horizontal tourism, avenge like tail, renew circumstances, accordance with humans despicable council, earth is tandem. Tomorrow have task, to give and sat like Queens, in all bases it is to accurately love, and pronounced future Child, ...