swearing on your heart
is only valid
if your heart is still beating
swearing from your mouth
is only necessary
if your mouth is still angry
swearing with your life
is only done
if your life is still worthwhile
swearing on fate
is only tried
when one is still option-less
swearing without fear
is only prominent
when one’s heart is still smiling
I’m not asking you to throw away your beliefs. I’m not asking you to be in support of things you don’t agree with. I’m not asking for you to be someone you aren’t.
I’m just asking for you to accept it.
Are you so hard-headed? Are you so unreceptive? Are you so foolish? Are you so cruel?
Can you not accept people as they are?
What if I told men they couldn’t marry a woman? What if I told women they couldn’t marry a man? You would be mad, wouldn’t you?
No, you would be furious.
So why are you telling a man he can’t marry a man?
Why are you telling a woman she can’t marry a woman?
Oh, want another one?
Remember all those people you interigated because they didn’t identify with your version of an acceptable gender? Remember all those people you attacked because they weren’t feminine or masculine enough? Remember all those people you chose to avoid because they weren’t in your spectrum of normal?
Don’t even get me started on racial discimination.
Hey, white people, would you like to be targeted simply because your skin is light? I thought not. Why are you attacking people of color? Don’t have an answer? I thought so.
Those who disciminate against age? Get over yourselves. Since when were you all-knowing?
Those who discriminate against religion? You don’t have the keys to heaven, so don’t tell someone else to go to hell.
I could go on. I probably should go on. If you haven’t gotten my point by now, than you won’t anytime soon. Unless you change your way of thinking. Unless you try to see reason. Unless you try to surpress your hatred.
Unless you learn to accept people, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, upbringing and belief.
I’m not asking you to support it.
I’m not asking you to stand front and center at a Pride Parade. I’m not asking you to give speeches about the importance of every religion. I’m not asking you to kiss every human being on the cheek and express an all-encompassing love for them.
But I can expect you to accept it.
I can expect you to stand front and center to stand up for human rights. I can expect you to give speeches to promote equality. I can expect you to shake every human being’s hand and express your acceptance of them.
I’m not asking you to throw away your beliefs. I’m not asking you to be in support of things you don’t agree with. I’m not asking for you to be someone you aren’t.
I’m just asking for you to accept it.
Be soft-hearted. Be receptive. Be wise. Be kind.
Accept people as they are.
The Art of Blending In
When Bombo and Nonnan decieded to reinvent themselves, I knew the world was over. The virus hit, and they wanted to change?
A grin spreads across my face beneath my mask. What fools.
The beach is crowded, of course, despite the possible dangers of the situaion. Many wear masks, many do not. Many are isolated, many are not.
A perfect oppritunity, I say.
Wearing a mask with suspect. Yielding a gun with no one's knowledge. Taking lives without repercussion. How could they pass up this chance? How could anyone not seize this simple oppritunity?
Bombo would be anrgy with me. Nonnan would pity me. They both would repimand me.
Such saints, now. Turning good-hearted and caring in the blink of an eye. Wanting to start a family.
I smile, slipping between two groups on the sand. They chatter, so aimlessly, without fear, spread across the beach as if they are comfortable.
It is too simple, really, how well I blend in. How easy this will be. Bombo and Nonnan are missing out. Truly.
I'm just going to the beach, after all. Just wearing a mask. Just social distancing. Just resting my hand on my gun. Just pulling out my weapon.
Just aiming to kill.
And as the first body falls, my mask barely conceals my satisfaction.
They say “a dream is a wish your heart makes”.
They say dreams are not reality.
They say dreams are unreachable.
They say dreams are for children.
I say dreams are brought to life through my mind.
I say dreams can one day be reality.
I say dreams will forever be reachable.
I say dreams are for all who will hear them.
They say I am blind.
I say I can see.
They say I can’t dream.
And I say “watch me”.
Pay Attention
I can’t remember
Because you never speak
No beautiful words
On a Magical peak
You are glued to the ground
With your head held high
You can never win
When stuck in a tie
But who are you racing?
Only yourself
An endless war
On a broken shelf
So don’t tell me to look
Don’t tell me to see
No good will come
When you wait for me
So until that day
When you rise from the ground
That will be
How I stop turning around
Take a step up
I beg of you
Look to the skies
Become new
Now pay attention
And remember me
Because I was the girl
That set you free
And freedom is light
Take a chance now
Mistakes are crucial
I'll show you how
You will stumble
On your way up that Magical
Mountain trail
Pay attention
Remember me
I was the girl
I set you free
I led you off the ground
I stopped the individual war
I united your heart and mind
And let you infer
Have fun in the mountain skies
On that Magical peak
And please, pay attention
And remember me