The Weight of No
Weighs more than Yes by 9 picograms
Stings louder than wasp venom
Clouds judgment by days
Cuts deeper than a marine mile
Drowns in only an inch of water
Cries before the birds at first light
Sings into a heart in one wave
Buys respect with one-tenth of one penny
Dissolves a memory at pH 7.0
Tastes like two pastels in winter
Lights up a city in one photon
Swims up the Thames in half a stroke
Breaks a camel's back with one thread
Depresses joy at 0.3 rpm
Scribbles a story in a glyph.
They say don’t let your past affect your prssent and future-- but it does, one way or another
Sitting here alone--
as the brightness of the sun is slowly covered by the moon,
I closed my eyes
The warmth of your fingertips as it caress may face
Tracing intricately all the details as if sketching and creating a masterpiece--
Tears slowly ran down my face
As i smell your musky and old spice scent which i love so much
The remaining scent that's left on the shirt that I've been hugging for years--
Heart aching for i know that all I can do is remember,
All is nothing but a memory
Sweet memories that keeps on breaking me each time i reminisce..
No one knows..
That despite the noise and laughter that surrounds me
I still cry silent tears for you..
Fuck Love.
He must've been a bulldozer
Coz' the walls I've built for years
Were crushed.
I wish painkillers can ease this ache I'm feeling
I hope there are pills that'll make me sleep forever
But no -- this is reality.
Fucking reality.
I tried.
The crush grew to like
Like grew to love
Love that I wasn't expecting
I wasn't prepared for
And I wasn't armored
I fought.
But how can I win a battle
When I wasn't even armored?
He was a bulldozer
And he left me
As the World Turns.
Why is it...acquired taste is typically abused? It can be heaven-sent but more likely, devil's muse. The caveat is always ,"Drink Responsibly!" but isn't that more or less relative? Definitely seen variations in my experience with relatives, and that's putting it delicate. The sweet nectar that sheds us of sin, stores our anxieties, and in many cases "gets us in,". I however have been here before, where the day became night, and there was no transition, I SWORE! A swill, a gulp, a chug, and shot, no this isn't a spell, but blackout's what I got. Before it all happened, I mean right before memory stopped, before I had master reset, before I was scoffed, I only remember it subtly: the world spinning, akin to a loading sign, all processes continuing with no idea of mine. I know I should get this, all that I do in a perfect discussion, it would only make sense! I don't, right before blackout, I probably kiss death, tell her to give me more moments, and escape with more breath. I'm not really sure...If I was I would explore. But blackout is just that : a document redacted, that only others have access to the instance or account. Sad isn't it? It could be alcohol or prescribed drug, but when it gets to the swell crescent of the wave, what happens next is a strong "What?"
It's not always the sight of needles that triggers it. Sometimes it's the sight of blood. Sometimes the smell of ammonia, of hospitals or rubbing alcohol. Sometimes even just remembering the sight of the room, the blood, the needle. Even remembering, even just talking about it, makes me queasy. That thumping in the heart and the head, the blood pressure rising and then the sudden fall, like an elevator cut loose from cables.
I am dizzy. I am sick. I am trying to breathe more deeply, trying pinch my leg to bring me back, trying to find a place to sit down before I crumble to the floor or tumble like a felled tree in the forest of people around me. A veil creeps over my face and head, the dark takes over, and then
it no longer matters how I fall
or where I land
or who is around
I am floating in the sky
the sea
the dreaming
the dark.
Internet Love
I couldn't get off this smile on my face everytime we talk
Our voices that blends perfectly won't stop playing in my mind
You make me happy without even trying to
You're perfect in every way i could possibly think
And its too damn hard not to fall in love with you....
But you're on the other side of the world.
I will be forever yours
I know you love me and I love you more,
respect your feelings and I adore.
I do teasure the love for you in my heart,
but my destinity want to keep us apart.
I can't dare to spoil your life,
with the false hope to make you my wife.
coz I won't be able to hold your hand and live together,
saying this, I don't want to hurt you and I can't ever.
From deep inside I feel, soon I am going to die ,
I don't want to feel guilty for the tears in your eye.
I don't want to love you with unhealthy heart,
I wish to be with you but its time to depart.
Tomorrow on my death, I don't want you to cry,
rather give a sweet goodbye.
I want you to keep me alive in your heart,
though I am physically apart.
I may be invisible to you,
but I will be following you.
I will be watching you, from up there,
sending you lots of love and care.
I will be protecting you from negative energy,
following each step where ever you be.
I will be healing your pain,
when troubles pours like the rain.
Sometimes I will come in your dream at night,
we may cuddle, we may fight.
With the angels of heaven, I will be sharing our stories,
I will let them know how immortal our friendship is.