Rocking horse
"If Baba asks, say the horse was a prop from the photographer," I told my husband as I addressed our Christmas cards. Sasha looked adorable on our rocking horse. The issue is that my grandma, Baba, had just gifted us an antique horse with much fanfare...on her part.
"It was in last year's card too." He reminded me.
"Doesn't matter. She won't remember." The antique horse was small with a ratty tail. Sasha actually preferred Baba's horse.
A few weeks later a friend was visiting. "I love the llama!" she exclaimed, looking at our Christmas card horse. If you ever want to sell it let me know.
It did kind of look like a llama. Later that day, I loaded the horse into the car and left it at my friend's door, a bow around it's neck. The prop story felt more true now that the horse was gone.