You called me pretty
“The moon is beautiful isn’t it?”
I asked you that with full transparency
And despite the minimal distance between your shoulder and mine
You didn’t seem to mind
You flashed me a smile
Then before I knew it
Our fingers were intertwined
No words were spoken but an answer lingered in the air
Finally, you caressed my hair and answered
“I think the moon is beautiful.”
Somehow I misheard that moon as you
But I didn’t really care
Post Anger Pining
I miss you
I know it’s not mutual
I miss you in the mornings and sob during the commute
I miss you when dusk takes over and I see the moon
I miss you in the whirlwind of life and the flickering static of lights at night
And I lie down in bed wondering when the stirring in my chest will cease and feel alright
But why?
There’s nothing to miss so this distance should feel like bliss
No more tiptoeing on egg shells and analyzing what’s amiss
No more unspoken animosities and apologies that always miss
No more what ifs and no more doubts
No more cuts from shattered fragments of trust
And no more constant breaks and rebounds
This is quiet but even then
I miss you still
I hate that I miss you
I really do
Because in spite of everything that has ensued, it feels like I’ll never stop yearning for you
What do I even miss?
I don’t miss my partner
Dating led to distress, distance and disruption
I miss the bashful boy within
My endearing friend who made plans on a whim
The person I was getting to know
The one who dished out witty quips
Even as he stumbled and tripped
Over words, over pebbles, flitting gazes but it really showed
The sincerity you held
The beginnings of friendship
A spark vanquished in the wind
Where did that unfiltered adoration go?
Life Feels Lighter
Home is where your heart is
That's what they all say
But to me, home isn't a set place
It's the warmth I feel within your embrace
The way the world morphs into a brighter place as you ramble about your day
How your laughter is carried through the wind's ginger grace
You take some of the weight of the world away
And even though life is a continuous gray
I hope I get to see your smile each day
That’s what you said
It was a late weekday night and I was moping with a friend
And although I don't remember the exact words they said
The conversation will always linger in my head
Romance is dead
they cried
face beet red
But I stopped to think
That simply isn't true
As I slowly glance, I see love in the bleakest of places too
Awe stricken commentary revering the moon
Serendipitous sighs as the sky shifts pastel hues
Smiles accompanied by the rare autumn breeze
And laughs and astonishment with camaraderie between peers
Love is everywhere, that much I can tell
But emotions are a tangle we don't know too well
Even though finding the one is an arduous flop
We can appreciate the enthusiasm and unfiltered love that surrounds us all
Simply by listening to the world's subtle pleas and reprimands
To slowly explore and find what satisfies our heart's demands
Forget Me Please
When my funeral comes, I hope no one sheds a tear
After all, the moment I’ve been waiting for my whole life is finally here
Erase my accolades and forget about my career
That’s not what I want to be remembered for
It’s kinda weird
I detest the thought of being revered
I could care less about how many hours I clocked
Or how many certificates adorn my beige walls
Please don’t reminisce about my smile
It’s just a mask
There’s no need to pine over the past
I just want to depart quietly
My time is up
And yours is not
Make the most of what you got
Being spontaneous made me feel happy. The allure of uncertainty whispered a multitude of charming possibilities. I strode along aimlessly hoping for the chance of something happening serendipitously.
At least that’s how I felt before I met you.
I used to adore change but now I crave consistency. People come and go but I’m hoping your company will always feel like home. The crinkle in your smile and the glimmer in your eyes will never cease to make my heart rate rise. Simply being with you gives me motivagion to push through all sorts of tribulations and trials.
How you act may change with time. Change is inevitable. However, I’m confident that the inspiration you instill in others remains the sams.
I invite you to stay by my side even as life ebbs and flows with the tides.
Fate is fickle but one thing’s for sure. My adoration for you will linger forevermore.
TL;DR- Failed poetic rizz attempt
Escapril 9, 2023: Advertisement
Pacing back and forth between the infamous liminal space of a 7/11 at midnight made me realize...
How much my clunky, junky wallet could actually buy
Although most of it consisted of wrinkled receipts and expired coupons,
a crumpled stack of fives was still enough to buy
A dozen cups of instant ramen
A handful of M and Ms
Fruit roll ups for miles
Stale plastic wrapped pastries suddenly seem worthwhile
Or if I was feeling more umami today
I could snag a carton of three dollar fries
A can of pringles and a questionable packet of microwave fried rice
All these bold yellow price stickers highlighted the perfect advertisement for my demise