To the One I Left,
I'm sorry that things turned out like this. I thought we were meant to be together, but now, we're so far apart that I don't even know what you're doing. Did you ever finish your degree? Did you ever move back to your home country? I wish I could have stayed in contact long enough to know that you're safe and happy. I'm sorry that I hurt you, but you also hurt me too. But I still miss your friendship even after these few years. I'm sorry I was so selfish, and I'm sorry that my apology is still just another selfish thing for me to write. But this is my chance to forgive myself for the things I've done wrong. How I treated you was one of those things. How I hid you was another. I'm truly sorry for how things ended up. Maybe someday we'll be friends again.
The Curse of Immortality
Immortality is a curse
Whose ideology
Is brought upon those
Unfortunate beings
Who believe the world
Will become better
As time continues on.
It’s filled with false hope
Over learning new skills
And traveling the world.
But what happens
When you’ve done all you can
But no one else survives
Alongside you?
What happens
When the world decays
Around you?
Immortality is the curse
Of ending up alone
With all the knowledge
In the world
But no one to share it with.
A step through the door
And up the steps we go.
My tiny hand at her knees,
One, two, three, four,
Counting the step we walk up.
Five, six, seven, eight,
Reaching the landing,
But it's too late.
A simple push to her knees
And down she goes.
Mommy's head is turning red
And I call out her name
"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy"
As my Daddy takes me away.
My Own Safety
Leaves fly past
Signifying the change in season
As I watch from my porch,
My safety box.
Every breath and every movement
Reveals the want to escape the protection,
The tape,
But fear,
Keeps me trapped in the box,
The porch,
Never to unbind the tape,
The protection,
That comforts me as I hide from reality.