Mirror mirror out the door
Why am I holding onto you, when I should let you go? Why am I afraid to let the real you show? She made me this way you know, (Mother), it was never me... I never had the chance to know you not at all, not since you were three. My dear friend, my only truth, my mirror, my honesty, can you see the real me? Of course not, but that's not true, I stand before you with a plain naked canvas, every morning! You are the witness to my before, my process and my perfection. Who am I without this exquisiteness? Who is beyond this reflection, if not the made-up make-up dressed in pretence?
It's you that has to go, you that draws me near, you that I pose to, that I sing to, that I smile falsely to - It is you dear mirror! I will hide you for a moment, into the background you shall fade... But I know I shall be back for you because where would I be, without the one constant in my life, who shelters me from my faults and sends me on my way out the door, looking flawless.