Dark Longing
When the sun melts. Into the horizon
Turning to tangled,
Shimmering, Sheets of light and color,
I remember
A spark
Its intensity Fueled by passion's heat Exploding inside me
Burning, branding
Blazing through us
Their final,
White hot fury
Consuming our days,
Our nights, Our thoughts
Until, like the night sky
We went dark,
Ashes, fragments of us
On the ground
No trace of the fire
We were.
I miss you.
Before the sun arose and stretched its rays across a sleepy purple sky,. The rooster got up early To announce himself, Startling the hen And the contents of The egg beneath her. Instantly cross,
She scolded the old strutter While the shell cracked and Wriggled under her warmth.
Proud Papa took a peek when Junior Broke through to see the world for The first time. "I have a son," he crowed,. And announced himself again
Winter, beware!
The ides of March will soon
Arrive with a shout,
"Your reign is over"
At least here,
In the South,
Where not even
Your pink and gold
Tangled sheets of light
Streaming across the
Twilight sky
Can change our minds
It's over,
The toil and slog
Your icy fingers bring,
Gone, with one, warm, Vernal breath,
Like ash caught up
On the breeze.
With flowers from the
Purple crocus in my hair,
I will carry news to
Our vilified groundhog
We aren't waiting
Five more days
Just to satisfy the calendar
Saint Patty's Day
Will launch the celebration
With so much green,
It just has to be Spring!
First Kiss
Were the fireflies guilty
of casting even more heat,
Their on-again off-again
lights switches, weaving
In and out of the sweltering
stillness of
Twilight in July?
Or was it the heavy air,
After it's cloudless day
In the sun,
Spent, dripping beads of sweat
Onto the grass,
As it descended toward its rest?
No, it wasn't fireflies,
Or the air, or July.
Were the source of the heady
Weakness in my knees, the pounding in my chest.
Standing closer to me than
You had ever been,
Than I ever thought you'd be.
On the driveway, gravel diamonds shone beneath
The glow of the streetlight.
You leaned in, our eyes closing,
Offering up reverence
To the moment,
My first kiss,
Certainly not yours.
Lucky me.
Dear Diary, what a night.
July 6th, 1985
Virgin Kiss
Ginny Martin McKinney
Were the fireflies guilty
of casting even more heat,
with their on-again off-again
lights switches, as they weaved
In and out of the sweltering
stillness that was
Twilight in July?
Or was it the heavy air
After it's cloudless day
In the sun,
Spent, dripping beads of sweat
Onto the grass
As it descended toward its rest?
No, it wasn't fireflies,
Or the air, or July.
Were the source of the heady
Weakness in my knees, the pounding in my chest.
Standing closer to me than
You had ever been,
Than I ever thought you'd be.
On the driveway, gravel diamonds shone beneath
The glow of the streetlight.
You leaned in, our eyes closing,
Offering up reverence
To the moment,
My first kiss,
Certainly not yours.
Lucky me.
Dear Diary, what a night.
July 6th, 1985