If I left would it matter
Would they notice
They can’t see my tears
Can they ever see me all
I’m afraid of what they think
Do they even notice my fears
I love them
But do they even care
If I left would their tears be endless
Or would their laughter run louder
Will they ever answer my questions
Or will I have to wait forever
Well I guess it’s too late
I'm gone
Is she pretty?
Is she pretty
Do you think she's beautiful
A meaningless thing to ask
So why does it mean so much to us
I'll say I don't care about your opinion
If you disagree with mine
Cause that's how I was taught
So why do I ask if not for the answer
For the knowledge that maybe I'm not the only one left
Who still see the beauty in everyone
Or for the feeling I know she get when you say yes
For the blood that rushes to her cheeks
Making her happiness show
But the rarity that this happens is sad
Why is the world so dark that they can’t see beauty
Beauty is everywhere all you have to do is look
So look I promise you'll find it
Veiled, Stilled and Toxic
I pass by hushed hopping that someone will hear me
No, no not me, I don't want them to hear me
I want them to her the desperate cries ringing out from my soul
I live undetected hopping that someone will see me
But not my face or body my lingering pain and endless tears
My mask can't really be that convincing
Can it?
I run toward any sign of hope I can find
Rejected by the choices of those around me
I hide in the darkness wishing they would listen
Longing for them to open their eyes and see me
But as they open them they turn away
I blend into the night, but they just can't see in the dark
Can they?
I am stuck being both invisible and voiceless
The spurn from my loved ones filled my heart
Not with sadness but with violence and rage
I can't control myself any longer
My emotions spin out of control and I think to myself
You can't breathe through a slit throat
Can you?