I’ve lived my life so far
By waiting for what comes to me
I’m not unhappy with the way I am right now
But things are going to change
I’m going to make things happen in my life
I'm not gonna wait for things to magically come my way
Others have also held the metaphorical wheel of my life for me
Deciding where I would go
They can drive me in the right direction, or not
And lately they haven’t
But I’ve had control at certain points,
And “lately, I am beginning to find
That when I drive myself, my light is found”
Inspired by "Drive" by Incubus
I Can’t Take It
It’s been awhile since I’ve written,
But here I go:
Life gets in the way of things
My life is:
Romantic and Friendly
They’re hard to balance together
I don’t have time to myself anymore
And it feels like there is always something
Every day
Immediately traveling from one thing to the next
With no time to relax
Work keeps getting piled on top of me
My body aches from the constant training and long games
And right as my body is about to heal
There’s another game
Or another practice
Or another project
There isn’t enough time to do everything
My body can’t take it much longer…
My mind can’t take it much longer
Something must go,
Because I can’t take it anymore.
I Don’t Understand
I don't understand why people are this way.
They can be
Kind, caring, helpful, intelligent, funny, dedicated, loyal, trustworthy, loving.
At the same time, they can also be
Awful, rude, unfaithful, hurtful, uncommitted, arrogant, irrational, hateful.
I can say that I know both,
But still do not understand what makes them that way.
What makes them terrible?
What makes them amazing?
This, I do not understand.
Break Away
Break away
Sometimes, that's what we have to do.
Break away from everyone
Break away from everything
Break away from the ones that hate you
Break away from the ones that are toxic
Break away from the ones that do nothing but break you down
The toxicity will seep into you if you don't,
Eat you from the inside,
Until you’re nothing.
With every poison, there is an antidote,
But you must find it
To rid the toxicity.
Break away from the toxic ones,
Find your antidote,
Find your paradise.
We all deserve to to be free
To find the antitoxin,
To break away.
Melting Away
As I'm melting away,
Who will catch me?
Who will keep me together?
It’s like nobody cares anymore
Hear the cries of people around you
Why can't you hear them?
See the pain and agony on their face
Why can't you see them?
You know the pain they are suffering
Why won’t you help them?
Don’t fall
Don't jump
Don't leave me
I can help you
I can save you
You can keep me from melting
You can be the solution
Someone, save me from falling away
From taking the leap,
From melting away
Someone please,
Hear me
Help me
Stop me
Catch me
Save me.
Call Me
Call me a sinner
Call me a priest
Call me the worst
Call me a beast
Call me a lord
Call me so sweet
Call me a lover
Call me a cheat
You can't change me
No matter what you do
You can try to hurt me
You'll be sorry you do
Call me your savior
Call me your killer
Call me your one and only
Call me the destroyer
I am what you make me
So be weary not
To make me be
What you do not
I am me
I won’t change
I will never
Dear Old Friend,
We were the best of friends.
We were.
But no longer.
Time has separated us. We are very different from one another, but always were. Now however, we are not able to cross that gap. It’s been three years since I've had a real conversation with you. You have changed so much and so have I. I do not think that we can ever go back to the way that things were.
Not since you’ve confessed.
It has changed our entire dynamic and I wish it hadn’t. I know you've thought of me like this for a long time, but now I hope that you can move on and forget about me.
I’ve caused you too much suffering and I want you to find that someone who will make you fall in love. The someone who will be there for you. Someone who you have more in common with. Someone that you can have a real conversation with.
Go out there and find someone else.
You deserve someone who understands you.
We all do, and that someone for you, is not me.
Till we meet again,
I will always be there.
Good times,
Bad times,
I will be there.
The happiest moment of your life,
The roughest time of your life.
I will be there,
Either to rejoice with you,
Or to comfort you.
The sky could fall,
The world could crumble around us,
And I will be there,
For you.
I will never be the one to say goodbye,
I will be the one to stay,
Through good and bad,
Through Heaven, or Hell.
I will be there,
The More I Listen
The more I listen to your words,
The more in love I fall.
The more I listen to your words,
The more I long for you.
It's an indescribable feeling,
But I crave it.
Every second without you,
Is painful.
Every second we're together,
Is heavenly.
Others may not understand,
They may be jealous,
They may hate us,
But it doesn't matter.
The more I listen to your words.
The happier I become.