tear it to shreds
i wrote a list of things i hate about myself
it filled a whole sheet of graph paper
then i tore it to shreds.
i twisted my shirt around my finger
almost ripped it
every time someone talked to me
’cause i couldn’t think of what to say back.
they tell me i have
a n x i e t y
i think i’m just a teenager
with too much time to kill
wishing my problems would disappear
like that piece of paper.
too bad
i n s e c u r e
can’t be written down
ripped up
and trashed.
not that easily.
random opinions in no particular order
- The dentist is worse than the doctor
- Cereal tastes better at night than in the morning
- Everyone shouldn’t have to agree on how to handle things like abortion, but everyone should respect other people’s decisions even if that is not the choice they themself would make
- Peanut butter chocolate pretzels are one of the best things that have ever been created
- Picture day is often not an accurate reflection of who students are and we should just do away with the whole process
- Ordering for yourself at a restaurant is extremely scary. It’s also something I should be able to do at 14 but yet here we are
- Showering at night is much better than showering in the morning
- The coronavirus vaccine is not an infringement of anyone’s rights
- Anything rose flavored is absolutely revolting (I’m willing for someone to prove me wrong, but as of right now, I have tasted nothing that would change my mind)
- Temperatures above 83 degrees, unless there is a body of water nearby to jump into, are highly unenjoyable
- People with different views or political opinions should be able to have a rational discussion without ending friendships or starting full blown arguments.
- Growing up is overrated
- The MLDA should be 18, not because I want to start drinking earlier but because if you can join the army, get married, and own property at 18-years-old, you should be able to drink...
- Surgery for people who are transgender should be cheaper. People shouldn’t have to pay a large amount of money for the basic happiness that is feeling comfortable in your own gender/skin that most of the world population is guaranteed
- Mochi is not all it’s cracked up to be
- You should be able to skydive anywhere at age 14 with parental consent...yes, that’s because I want to skydive, what about it?
- Running is actually very fun, contrary to popular opinion
- Milk chocolate is better than dark chocolate (99% of the time)
- Gluten-free bread shouldn’t be smaller than regular bread because we are not tiny people and I stay full for no longer than 20 minutes at a time so it’s just not enough...
- Global Warming should be a main priority on the ‘things our world needs to fix’ list (that list doesn’t exist but it should) because it’s like a long term project where you don’t realize how much you have to do so you procrastinate until the last minute, except instead of the consequences being an angry teacher, they are permanently f*cking up our planet
- People should be born with no sexuality and then whoever they decide to like/date/marry, that’s who they decide to like/date/marry. No strings attached, no labels, no more homophobia or anything else...
- Pasta is the best
- Grading people on their ability to act out a scene from Macbeth and memorize 95 lines and have to actually portray emotion in their words is cruel and unusual punishment (not specific at all...I wonder who is affected by this...hmm)
- Mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best flavor
- Water fountains seem like a good idea but the more you think about it the more you realize that you’re drinking water from a spout multiple someones have probably spit on and basically inhaling germs. #waterbottlefillingstationsforthewin #nomorewaterfountains2021
- Monopoly is fun regardless of how long it takes
- Getting blood drawn is a million times worse than getting a shot
- Going to space or deep sea diving are among the scariest things you could possibly do.
- The U.S. needs more gun control laws and background checks. Trying to stop school shootings and shootings in general is not infringing upon second amendment rights.
And I think that’s it! This was longer than expected and I’ll probably think of a bunch more as soon as I post this, but yeah. Thanks for reading :)
sorry but no.
i find it hard to sympathize
with the fact that you have ten guys all over you
and don’t know how to choose
don’t know how to reject them
How could the closest one to
of the friend group be able to help?
Sorry but i just don’t
want to hear about how wanted you are
How many people
like you
love you
wanna be you
’cause i’m trying to be me
trying to like me
and the love for you reminds me
Why i shouldn’t have friends in the first place.
i should be happy for you
but all i can think that’s one more person that would pick you over me
one more race i want to win
but lost.
i’m good at befriending the people who everyone loves
then watching them slowly drift away
realizing there are better options
realizing it doesn’t need to be so difficult
deciding i’m just not worth the effort anymore.
And i know it’s my fault
i know i should try more make an effort
to do
besides sit there silently
trying not to cry
but how can you expect that…
each person that picks them over me
kills me just a little more,
another stab to my confidence
my self worth
my ability to get up every morning
until soon you’re just gonna see the broken pieces
the crumbling girl
who stopped trying
and made her
I Knew Then, I Know Now
When you looked me in the eyes
There was no sparkle in your soul
I knew then, I know now.
You don’t look at me no more
You don’t love me any more
I knew then, I know now.
When you didn’t visit last night
When I slept all on my own
I knew then, I know now.
When Mako and Maya whimpered
When you didn't merge from your retreat
I knew then, I know now
When you didn’t return my calls
When you didn’t answer the door
I knew then, I know now
When you didn't leave a note
When you didn’t say goodbye
I knew then, I know now
I can’t seem to hold you close
I can’t seem to let you go
I knew then, I know now
You were never coming home.
Walk Away
They say I’m obsessed
With you.
But, of course
I’m not.
I can let you go, anytime
Just walk away
And wave goodbye if you want to.
And all the pictures on my wall
Would soon be gone
If you left, too,
Replaced by those of someone new.
I like you, sure
And think about
You every single day
I love to watch you
Eat and sleep
That’s just my loving way
Of course I’m not obsessed with you
Feel free to walk away
If you can break the chains and lock
Then you don’t have to stay
If you can crack the cellar maze
Then just be on your way.
Of course
I can always find you
As I chipped you when I drugged you.
I should not have been her friend,
Because she not only channeled her anger on me
But turned them all against me.
It didn’t matter that they were my friends first,
Now they are all on her side.
She publicly trashed me,
And they rewarded her.
They accepted her invitations,
Even knowing I’d be excluded.
My former friends,
Supported my worst enemy in ruining my life.