Dear Lindsay,
Hey, I’m sorry I’ve been so distant lately. I know you need me I just don’t know if I can help you when I can’t really seem to figure it out myself. I’m fucking stuck. And you keep putting all of your problems on me and god i wish I could do something to make it better but you’ve got rot in your bones and I’ve got dirt in mine. We’re both fucked. Avalyn isn’t here anymore either. She went away. They all went away. I saw this thing die in the road the other day and it broke my heart. I feel too much. I know you do too and that’s where we are the same, but we handle things with two different perspectives. You ask for help, you hint toward wanting it. I just let it eat at me until I’m bitter. I’m sorry Lindsay. There’s nothing I can do to help you. We both know you’ll be okay eventually. Give it time. That’s what you always told me.
Stay okay. At least try. -Ellie
Tomorrow - Ellie
I’m sorry I’ve been falling short
All of the weeds inside of me have replaced the flowers
This world isn’t right for people who have hearts made of glass
I’ve never touched a gun
I think that might be for the best
I’m sorry
I’m trying as hard as I can to cooperate
With how I feel I should be
I promise I’ll be better tomorrow
And if I’m not, I’ll pretend
I don’t want to be a burden anymore
Wake me up when the stars come crashing down
I want to watch the world eld
But I want it to be beautiful
If the new day comes and I still can’t see through the thorns
Put me back to sleep
I’ll try to be better
Hey, it’s Ellie.
The other day I was walking home from school and it was the most perfect day I had ever seen. The world was so irrevocably peaceful, it caught me off guard. It made me feel okay for a split second. Actually, it made me feel so good that I stopped walking and breathed for a minute. I should have kept walking though. I moved my eyes from the sky to the road as the cars passed heavily in spurts of one or four or six. Then it happened. This frog was there, moving slowly toward me but avoiding the traffic by a landslide. It was a familiar path for him. He didn’t dodge the vehicles, just avoided them instinctively like he had a million times before. Until the last second. That blue four door didn’t even exist until it ran over my subject and left him there still, his body mangled and destroyed. Ripped open by a hot piece of black rubber. He was right at my feet. Exploded into a wet torn pile resembling feces from an ill animal. The air smelled fresh and I was staring at crushed lungs that breathed only a moment before. I walked away. Leaving the mess in the street, for more cars to run over and over. Separating the pieces along the bumpy road, until the skin would be indiscernible from the cement below. I turned my head and walked away. Biting my teeth until my clenched jaw became sore. I wanted to bleed, but instead relaxed my muscles, and wondered where the line existed between elation and the inevitable death.
If I looked just how I feel
If I looked just how I feel
All of my words would be concealed
This face would be torn with jagged marks
Through my jeans you’d see thick red scars
My throat would be choked as if snakes were within
My body would be limp and my arms would be thin
These legs wouldn’t hold up what was left of my being
And my eyes would be too swollen for seeing
My ankles would be too fractured to walk
And my lips would be too bitten to talk
Both of my wrists would be stitched up to the brim
And nothing would fit because my waist is too thin
No one would love me if I spoke the truth
About how my skin would be all black and blue
No one would love me if I tried to slow down
Or if my smile cracked on my way back down
No one would love me if I made it clear
That I didn’t think I’d even make it to this year
And she is so pretty
In all of her twisted ways
Shining light on the black pavement
But draining it from her own eyes
And she is so loud in her silence
That it seems too far away
For her to slip from our fingers
And some people are so wonderful
That all they do is bring wonderful things
And some people are so special
That all they do is make the world feel whole
She has ten thousand loves scattered around like ashes after a wildfire
When the trees burn, she watches
When they become dismantled
She aches
She is the leaves in the blazing wood
But never deserved the scorch
She brings oxygen to everyone in her wake
But the forest fire lingers on
Moving slowly, throughout the seasons
All of my demons
All of my demons love me
They remind me every day
If I’m tired, they hold my hand
If I’m lonely, they stay
All of my fears mold me
Cradle me every night
I live inside their tiny home
Toxicity feels so right
All of my demons kiss me
They give me what I desire
I tell them how to move me
They burn holes in my skin like fire
When I’m sad they let me cry
They listen and they know
And when I’m ready to leave this place
I’m sure they’ll help me go
Welcome back
My silent half
It’s been some time
Since our words have touched one another
I see you so quietly
Trying to understand
And I am trying to understand too
All of the things
That space was supposed to give us
Like answers to questions
With missing queries
And our lungs the capacity
To hold our own air
If I stay
If I stay
For just a while
Do you swear
That time will hold still
Because I have been tempted
By ten million sins
And I have tasted the blood that fell off of my own arm
Once or twice in solitude
And once or twice beside her
If I stay
For another year
How many times will I wonder
What nothingness looks like
Or what it feels like
To inflict nothingness
On the heart I own
The heart I am
For Sadie
This sits inside of me
Every time I touch your skin
I feel the weight of everything I’ve ever known
Sit heavy on my soul
And your mouth
Is the place I want to live
Tucked between your bottom lip
Just where your voice falls
You are where my heart resides
I will love you
Until the moment
My breath leaves me
Until the day
Our maps no longer read the truth
Until the second
The hand on the clock
Reaches for the final stretch