Describe vividly how you feel the emotion 'Anger'. Does it spread like wildfire in your body or does it start with the slow increase of your heartbeat. Does it urge you to create chaos or do you push your demon down back into its cage. I'd like to read all responses :)
The simplest thing to be
The blood in my arms is ice, and I cannot feel them. It seeps down my legs, blossoms in my chest like a rose of frozen crystal. A rose whose thorny vines entwine me, and hold me. And I cannot move save for a tremble that grows softly but surely as a breeze through autumn woods. And I cannot speak. For what could I say to impart the true depth of my rage. So I let it take me. Lost and alone in the blizzard, feeling fading away until I am not angry, or sad, or fearful. I am nothing, for that is the simplest thing to be.