Don't think you're
little tadpole
because I'm an
angry demon hoping
someone will
into my cunning scheme.
I slip through the endless deep
watching your clumsy body go
thump thump
to the thirsty side of the river.
I will hunt you down
day or night
rain or snow
you're a puppet on my string
a clueless victim
unaware of my attack
unaware of my hunger.
Merry Christmas!
I am so mad at my mom.
But I don't have to worry because we are going to New York….. TOMORROW!!!
I can't find my family, they are nowhere in the house. It's as quiet as a mouse. I think I made my family disappear!
I try getting groceries, and stole a toothbrush. A criminal is what I am. A criminal for the rest of my life. But nothing is worse than the two asshats who think they can break into my house. This is my life.
I don't have long, but I manage to get the house covered with boobytraps- Hahahahahaha, booby!
I miss my family, but right now I need to be the man of the house. So until then:
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal, and a Happy New Year.
The Challenge
I wake up lying on the forest floor, it is super hot, and I think I am naked. I am trying to remember how I got here and why I am naked.
"Georgia! GEORGIA!", I hear a deep husky voice call my name. The voice sounds super familiar and I can't quite figure out why. Then I remember, I have a backpack filled with little supplies and a map. I flutter my eyes open to see a naked man looking over me. He is covered in dirt, and completely naked. His chiseled jaw is defined by his stuble. He reaches out a hand to help me sit up. I grab his hand and remember where I am.
"Georgia are you okay?" he asks, "We lost a bit of time, we need to get going", he says pointing to the mountain in the nearby distance. The camera crew has arrived to film little bits of our survival before heading off to film the next team. The white van pulls up near us. The large brown words, "Naked & Afraid" are starting to peel off from the van. The camera crew starts piling out of the van to start filming.
"Georgia, we need to start making camp closer to the mountain", the naked man says. I remember his name, Tyler.
"What happened?", I ask in a shy voice, completely oblivious to the fact that the camera crew is filming two naked people trying to survive off of the wilderness in the middle of Africa.
Tyler groans and throws his head back, "We haven't found water in like, 5 days. You passed out remember?" he says completely aggravated.
"Oh," I say. I start walking in front of him to gather sticks and leaves and anything else to that we might need to set up our little "camp" that will be at the edge of the mountain. I find some sticks, ignoring the words that are spoken to me.
"Why did I even want to do this stupid challenge anyway?" I think to myself. As I walk over to join Tyler, I help him start making our shelter at the edge of the mountain. The same mountain we have to climb in the next 30 days before this "challenge" is over.
Why did you chose drugs over me.
My mom tried to help, you had your last chance:
Being a drug addict or being there for your child.
Why didn’t you choose me?
What did drugs have that I didn’t?
Drugs didn’t become a pre-professional classical ballet dancer at the age of ten. Drugs were not the reason that my mom didn't commit suicide when she was depressed from your death. Drugs didn’t demand change when your daughter saw racism in her school. Drugs as sure as hell didn’t give you a chance to see your second child.
So tell me- Why did you choose drugs over me?
Where I am From
Where I am from
I am from my monkey,
From bubble gum, Tional, and flower pots.
I am from running around and tripping my sister,
And a big flat house.
I am from a rose bush,
Whose beauty we left behind when I moved.
I am from my brown football, and my Tierra from my first birthday,
From Kaila, and Brian.
I am from nail biting and migraines,
And biting lips.
From lots of energy.
I am from magic.
I am from Jessie and Elizabeth from
Rice, beans and tomato soup
From fishing
And from flying airplanes in the marine,
A little brown horse too!
I am from those moments living my life as full as can be.
The Good Old Days
Sometimes I remember
the good old days,
Waiting for my friends
To come and play,
Playing hide and seek,
Until our parents call us,
At sundown.
Silently playing UNO and board
Games and sneaking candy.
Spying on our parents while
They were talking.
I still can't imagine
Anything better than that.
How Mole Lost His Vision, and had a Star on His Nose.
I found this story that I wrote when I was 8. I can't stop laughing!!
One day long ago, in the North Eastern Woodlands there was a strong, brave, handsome young Mole.
That very afternoon, the mole headed off to the big woods. On his way there, he heard a big EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK. Mole ran as fast as he can to save the creature.
It was mouse. He was stuck in a tree. “I’ll save you”, said Mole. He ran up the tree, and saved him! He was a hero.
On the way home he ran into coyote.
“Hey buddy” Coyote said.
“Wanna play follow the leader?”
“Sure” said mole.
That very evening Coyote was the leader. Coyote was very jealous, that mole was the hero. He wanted to be the hero. Coyote had a plan to make him the hero.
First he would lead Mole to the sun, second Coyote would run away and leave Mole behind, causing him to be blind from the light. Then mole won't be able to see so he can't save anyone.
When he lead mole to the sun, Mole let out a big shriek. “AAAAAAAA”, He screamed. Mole was blind, and he also had a big pink fleshy star on his nose.
“What's going on?”,Coyote thought to himself.
“It was the sun, the sun burned his long pointy nose, and most of his nose turned into a big pink flesh like star.”
The very next day Coyote, still heard that Mole was still capable of many things.
Like when a baby rabbit got stuck in a dark, deep, twisty hole. Mole went down the hole, used his pink fleshy star, to find his way to the bunny, and got him out.
Many, many years later, mole got a wife, and his wife had children. But when Mole saw his daughter, she didn't to have a big pink fleshy star on his nose. He was so relieved that she did not have pink fleshy star on her nose.
When the baby Mole grew older she started growing a pink fleshy star on her nose.
And that's how Moles are blind, and have stars on their nose.
Add on to my story!
His heart was pounding. He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn. He heard a little musical sound. It was light, soft, and coming from the inside of that door. The music was twinkling around him, like the music box he had, he still remembered 53 years ago when his grandmother gave it to him on his 6th birthday. Abruptly, as suddenly as the music started, it stopped.
In a swift sudden movement, he was back in his bed, where he had started out 15 minutes ago.
“Why am I here, I swear I was in the basement.” He quietly whispered to himself.
He started humming the tune he heard from the hind the little door. The light, twinkling tune, buzzing around his head as his eyes got heavier and heavier. His humming went silent.
Inside the tiny door were some tiny, ugly, little creatures.