I am not my face
I look at my reflection,
and pick out every single imperfection.
I don’t see me,
I see a girl who is afraid,
she doesn’t know who she is
when she looks me in the eyes
her eyes,
opened wide,
so blue,
so bright,
but now they’re out of place
because their colour contradicts
the emotions they depict.
I see every freckle on her face.
I frown,
they’re out of place.
I look away,
I look again,
it’s surely a mistake, it can’t be out of place...
There isn’t a pattern - no design,
not a hint of reason
no rhyme.
The worlds a mess,
that’s just the face I’ve been assigned
I look away, I look again
there, and there again -
it’s out of place.
The nose.
The ears.
The mouth.
The chin.
Where the fuck do I begin?
They don’t show you who I am,
they don’t show you what’s within.
I look away.
I don’t want to look again.
My mom used to work in hospitals and nursing homes. Long shifts. Heavy lifting. Clean-up in Room 3. Spilled-guts. Spilled-bowels. Spilled-bladder. Spilled-blood. Human-spill. Spill-spillage. She’d come home to house, nighttime-still. She’d come home to pass-out, lack of sleep. Stumble down stairs, wash away fluids. Wash away E. Coli. Wash away sweat. Wash away death-stench. Pass-out lack of sleep. Repeat, next day. Lift-up crying. Lift-up disease. Lift-up dying. Lift-up human-spillage. Repeat. Lift-up human-spillage. Repeat. The babies never had a chance. Twins. Fallopian-tube, burst. Platelet, internal-vein explosion. Ghost-bleeding. Phantom-bleeding. Insides-bleeding. Also known as hemorrhage. Also known as dying. Also known as 8 hours screaming/fainting/shaking pain. Also known as doctor-induced abort mission. Ride or die. Abort mission or sleep-eternal. No blood left. So I could hold two still-borns. One mass explosion. The other clump of tadpole-mess. Save the unborn. Send the living home. Follow the plan. Return home. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Kill the mother, spare the child. Or spoon-scrape cervix. Tissue-removal. Tissue-removal. And I wake every day thanking the doctor that left her blood-cup-half-full. Pray to false god of saving lives. Return me home. Return me home.
Insomnia meet Anxiety, Anxiety— Insomnia
I sleep like a house on fire.
What I mean is
I sleep not at all.
I sleep like the ease of turning away from double-fatalities car crash.
There’s blood in the carpet.
Definitely won’t come out.
Windshield, shivered itself into bits.
And the rafters keep crumbling.
Crumble, crumble, charred-mistakes.
Too much heat to still the bones.
Too much smoke to inhale, exhale, repeat, repeat.
Eyes wide.
Like earthquake tumbles.
Seismic pulse.
Like storm, unpassing.
Like brain-thoughts, tumble-cycle spin, turn-over, spin.
Like end over end.
Eyes wide.
Mattress made of food poisoning to stomach-lining me.
I sleep like it’s vomiting me up.
Or I sleep like I’m vomiting my sleep.
Or I sleep like I’m vomiting myself.
What I mean to say is
I sleep not at all.
Families torn apart,
Children crying for their parents
Tears flowing like the blood spilled,
An unimaginable sense of grief,
The only facet of life
Left behind
Another day, another massacre,
Another heartbreak
An endless nightmare
Created by our own people
Safety, a foreign concept,
No longer guaranteed,
How much must we endure,
For a change to finally occur?
i’m looking out for you
I’m looking out for you.
You’re swirling, twirling golden hair
Gets tangled in wretched lies
I hold the scissors to let you loose
I’m here to help you fly.
I’m looking out for you.
Harris is a foul being
Despite heart-piercing eyes
The popular, horny, doofus -
I won’t sit here and let you cry.
I’m looking out for you.
And yet here you are strolling along
A cheap, maroon carpet of a movie theater
The boy I warned you about in hand
The way he giggles with you, smirks at her
I’m looking out for you.
The minute he touched your soft lips -
Too difficult for me to bear
You’ve disappointed me greatly
I’m frozen, I can only stare.
I’m looking out for you.
He doesn’t deserve you’re charm,
You’re intelligence, thoughtfulness, and grace
He doesn’t deserve you’re cheery smile -
Waking up to see your perfect face.
I’m looking out for you.
And as I’m looking through your window
In a bush - strategically, luckily placed
The world, it spins so slowly, i’m tripping
Why- his existence is such a waste!
I’m looking out for you.
stay sane.
stay sane.
stay sane.
listen to the rain.
I’m going to look out for you tomorrow
And the next day and the next
Or maybe tomorrow we’ll meet
Over coffee, face-to-face, text?
I’ll see you and Harris soon
Be sure to have fun - while it lasts
Because Julie, if this continues any longer
I’ll make sure he’s a thing of the past.
I’m looking out for you.
So tomorrow when I see you again
If you’re feeling sad, lonely, mellow
Just know that someone’s there with you
But be a dear, and look out your window.
I’ll be looking out for you.
Writing poems for her is hard as fuck.
She’s French, like the vanilla I used to put in my coffee,
When I liked it sweet,
And sometimes she is too.
But mostly she’s bold like the way I make it now,
And as bitter as I am.
She thinks,
And sometimes when she does, her thoughts are like boa-constrictors around her consciousness.
And when they are, I always wish I knew how to kill snakes.
And I promise I’ll learn one of these days.
She can pull on my nerves like a puppeteer plays with the strings of their marionette,
Making my heart dance with every finger that brushes across my skin,
Making me melt when her lips meet my neck.
She doesn’t smile easily,
But I think that’s appropriate,
Because it’s worth working for,
I would descend into the mines, I’d get into bare knuckle fights,
I’d spend 20 extra years in the workforce just to see it once more.
Not to be dramatic,
That’s not to mention what I’d do to hear her laugh,
Enthusiastic and unadulterated,
Magnetic, and confident,
Like the rest of her.
And I’ve never told anyone I love them,
And I don’t think she knows that,
But I doubt it would surprise her,
Because beyond everything else,
I think she understands me pretty well.
Frustration building,
Crackling like static under my skin
Tears flowing from mocha eyes,
Birthed from containing rage inside
Anger steadily mounting,
A violent storm brewing
Always keeping my mouth shut,
My lips locked tight
I fear that someday,
All the lightning and thunder
Will break free,
Pouring down in wrathful reign
I try to calm such feelings,
Stop them from ever bursting,
But, there are days
Where I simply long to scream
Everything, all the anger
And ugliness within,
Erupting for all to see
The eye of the storm,