In a home of four,
the roof made of chaff,
lived a mom and her hearts,
working as a famer ,
till the sun made her shatter,
lived a princess in a hut,
and a granny full of greys,
stories and the nights,
stars twinkling bright,
lil puppy on the side,
dadda being the knight,
making princess bride,
friends in the neighbour,
giggly and lovely,
just like me and mommy,
walks to the farm,
and milk from shed,
play morning till the dawn,
from hide and seek,
to lil grants to the needy,
as pure as lily,
the home was love.
By: Mohana
“I don’t even know who am I anymore,” I said to my reflection
All I wanted is perfection
Not the urge of disaffection
Everyday I try to do something new
But insecurity is blocking my view
I told myself “you are perfect just the way you are”
But my brain acts like a burned-out star
So she completely disagrees with that statement
But watching me stress out is her favorite entertainment
I just wish I could find the real me
Where ever the real me is
I looked at myself with such disgrace in my eyes when reality reminded me:
No one would hate me the way I hate me
No one would love me the way I love me
Broken, but still good
I heard it the first time in Lilo & Stitch, and boy, did it resonate. It's become a bit of a family slogan. My mama used to say it to me.
She cupped my cheek on my fourteenth birthday and wiped away a tear, "Oh daughter... we are broken, but we're still good."
"Mom. I don't know what to do. My brothers hate me." I sobbed.
"No, they don't-- they'll come around. I am so proud of you. I am so sorry. I had no idea what your dad was doing. Thank you for telling the truth." Her voice weakens with every word. She's barely audible by the end of it, and by the slump of her shoulders I can see the burden she carries. I can see the bruises left by large, veined hands- hands I used to cling to in the grocery store.
"Why don't they see it like I do, mom?"
She sighs a world weary sigh, "because... they are not women... they are worth something to him." She meets my eyes. She's just called me a woman, and we both know it's true. I stopped being a child years ago. "C'mon, hon. Let's do something fun today-- it's your birthday. Let's get through this. Together. We will get you away from him. We will get you all away from him-- just one more visit."
I steady myself and wipe the tears with the back of my hand, "Okay. Just one more visit." I put on my wistful smile and squeeze her hand, "what on earth are we doing moping? It's my birthday!" She smiles at my false happiness and pats my cheek once more.
"Yes. Broken, but still good."
We rise, pull strength round our shoulders in invisible robes, and paste on the cheer with a glue of perseverance.
I endured with a smile. I made it. We got me away from him.
And I thought that perhaps I might heal someday. I thought there might be a time I was no longer broken-- that the cracks might stop showing, but now I know...
I will always be broken, but
Still Good.
Ready to work
Granpa mine,
died of work,
on job.
Father mine,
withered under
cars with fault.
Money gathered send me,
work to study,
job to have.
How I worked!
Protest nights aflame,
paint throwing on the racists running,
demonstration having day and night.
saferooms abound,
shrinks nodding,
teachers gifting grades.
Glorious study!
Minorities, fringe and trans, saved.
Non-existent too.
Day of glory.
Patriarchy white surrendered the diploma,
world opened,
for me to work it.
But, but, but?
Where are they?
Equity corporation? Inclusivity Inc.,? Anti-racist mega Industry ltd.? Diversity of Company?
I am ready.
Finished the Molotov throwing course.
Where are you?
Jobs of mine?
Octopod one
lab sufferer
Kingdom; Animalia
Octopod two
seafood sacrifice
pool swimmer
market free
Met, mated, lab in pool
Phylum;. mollusca
lab virus loving natural one
water mine ticking
Clade: Vampyropode
lab yes
Wuhan yes
of animal love
white death
Chants for the disenchanted
Leaves descend— falling
In a diZzYiNg motion-
Hands try to grasp them
But in a blink of
only one grǽg eye
The leaves begin to
Burn once they hit the
Molten bubbling ground
The hands then tremble
At the sight of the…!
Its not lava~but
Sea.ring blood from the
Eyes of the pine tree.
10.23.2022 Sundae
some carbs or other
cup me in some sweet condolences
leave me dusted in saccharin
after honey licks
there on your lips
autumn burst fruits
my blush of knowing
too much
my rush of tasting
to be hooked on your liqueur
lips. granulated resistance
spent .
fullness empties
coitus tristesse
sugar the fruits'