In night
I get really lonely at night
I know I should go outside
I feel trapped
It's the weather
Sun glaring at me
Hoping to burn my skin
I wish it would
I don't wish that
I want to feel something
Other than loneliness
Other than longing
I want to feel joy
To be wanted
Not needed
Well that sometimes
But expected
"Of course you're here.
I want you here."
I want to feel the ocean
exhale on my skin
your curling fingers on my arms
taking all me in
I'm lonely can you feel it
I sigh into your chest
A liquid I'm conforming
A human at my best
I'm feeding on serenity
A lovely scent of calm
My eyes don't even bother
They're closed, no lights are on
I've never felt so peaceful
So gentle in your sway
We're really less than nothing
I guess I'm used to gray
In death ill sleep so tranquil
My life a treacherous slope
A weight must shift to my feet
Im up, and I must cope
At what point do you notice that I don't text
Or call you when I think that it's best
What time is good when you're not around
No words to say if you're underground
No window to see through
No door to unlock
My presence annoying
My voice tightly knot
When is a good time
To ask if I'm welcome
Not when you remember
More not than just seldom
Is this just a habit
My thoughts straight to yours
On wood we made promises
On sand we found shores
I miss making essays
On movies and men
At what point is this friendship
And not just tradition
i mull and i sit
bathed in the snow
bland to the touch
taste "isn't so"
an interest fleeting
a glance in promise
that i am unwell
balled up and tarnished
shattered and prickle
wrinkled and torn
blood starts to trickle
screams of the born
an empty most foul
a child endured
an end to a towel
waiting is cured
what once was is not
and now i am clean
from light i am caught
through dark i succeed
wherever i was
to where i am now
what life is to dust
what i am to thou
not seated at parties
nor welcomed in pews
wont play with the barbies
or stay in the stools
a hole in the carpet
a bed that was shared
who was i to stop it
who were you to care
#poetry #empty
my insides are disturbed
the warble of the quiver
in passing i am mute
within i am a shiver
unfurled i am a block
a writers own remorse
a drug to help me pass
the beating of a horse
ghost or am i muted
the grey is fuzzed and wide
its bruises leak that ocean green
just hiding whats inside
darkness eats the boat
the water was a friend
but now it seems to run amok
its arms part wide to end
escape? a laugh, im gone
no evil leaves a trace
and as im bloated lying there
expectation takes its place
a body on the shore
my teeth did not survive
you had hoped for so much yet you find
i never was alive
I dreamed about lady bugs, I dreamed about meadows, I dreamed about a tiny town, shadowed by the petals
I dreamed about being home, I dreamed I was alive, I dreamed about a nice warm meal, with coffee on the side
I dreamed about my leaving, I didn't want to go, but when the ringing hit my ears, I knew I'd wake alone
My dreaming makes me mad sometimes, I wish they wouldn't tease, to make me think I'm where I'm meant, not here with my unease
#poetry #sadness #growingup #life
I don't feel holy when you hold me
happy when I'm choked
cared for when you see me
or heard when last I spoke
I don't feel needed when you want me satisfied or thrilled
gorged on when I gown up
with broken cup I'm filled
you do not bring me pleasure
the satisfied
the rain
you only being me expectation
emptiness and pain
if that's not in your planner
the calendar unwed
then I will find another one
to lie to next in bed
you seek one that has never been
a wedding left in tears
the bridegroom left to search me out
to footprints disappeared
you never brought me peace of mind
that I was all you needed
if by being wooed I left in shambles
then in sinking I succeeded
#comphet #poetry #sadness #hope
I woke up smelling past tense air
oh I remember when and where
but to say that I could recall there
my memory would not be fair
If all the school books had a cow
the pencils chickens I don't know how erasers goats and sheep and plow
I surely wouldn't know their ware
For certain time has taken hold
a lost bet winning this pot of gold
my eye sight waning my hands grown cold growing up and growing old
I'd climb up to my highest loft
an attic waiting cold to hot
I'd place my bets and call the shot
but it's long gone or so I'm told
A ghastly being letting on
that tales of knighthood
maidens song
that dragons beaten
the grass long gone
was not a sketch the mind had drawn?
In shattered window and crooked door was that not magic disguised as bore?
the blood red seam that jesus swore
was proof that he would with dawn would return?
but walking to a berry bush
a midday movie "Please just hush!"
that dinner made with love is mush
is eaten greatly with a rush
I cannot place a finger on it
the smell of freshly dried blue bonnet
or the sound of an ended sonnet
life wakes me to blush
#poetry #growingup #blush
fallen from the stars
dripping grey and black
purple blue and violet hue
"why did I come back."
I glistened with the sunshine
that draped success on earth
I flew away with dragons dear
I sought and found rebirth
why did I return to this
as beauty has been lost
this planet reeks of selfish deeds
no longer green in cost
a coin to regain self respect
as paper buys the wagon
I thought you got my message love
seems talkings lost to famine
we starve for riches richest form
that changes with the day
I couldn't even tell you that
you've seemed to have lost your way
I counted all the dots and strings
they make up who I am
the constellations constant warmth
have gone out with the lamb
winged thing of starlight
dripping on the lawn
angel, no just passing though
I wouldn't stay here long
#longing #lonely #farfromhome #poetry