not a poem, just a thought.
We are stars, or bigger than that, we are fucking universes with galaxies within us, growing and glowing for eternity.
Were magnificent, we're gods and goddesses, with kingdoms we create. What beautiful things we make!
Humans are merely people, we are leaders, time creators, art providers. We are masterpieces who make masterpieces. What's better than that?
It's frustrating, it's nights alone, with no phone call wondering 'why?' and 'where?'
It's distance
It's agonizing, tossing and turning in your sleep with no one next to you to see
It's distance.
It's entire days spent crying, it's hours spent trying, it's seconds that you feel like you're dying.
Distance is something I know all too well, it's less of an idea and more of a hell. When you're so far away doing God knows, anything.
I'm here, a mess.
Controlled by the stress
my mailman.
I want to paint a picture of what we used to be,
I want to show the world it wasn't always misery.
You used to be dependable and I had been affectionate,
But now we're not making moves unless it's in our benefit.
You made me believe there was galaxies in your soul,
But why does it now feel only as if it's a giant black hole?
We became obsessed with pleasure in utterly different ways;
I wanted attention and love while you were just looking to get away.
Get away from reality and escape what was surrounding
And as I've started to reminisce my heart has started pounding.
Why let substances control you ? Why let them tell you what to do?
Pushing and shoving, they made a bully out of you,
And while you were escaping I was forced to deal with reality
and soon the utter loneliness in my soul became normality.
I escaped in my own way, with suitors kind words and affection,
Because within our love life it seemed I was facing rejection.
I was second to getting fucked up, and that's the truth,
In the end that all that seemed to fucking matter you.
Even now, with our cold backs turned to each other,
Only intoxicated states is all you've been left to discover.
If you really loved me, wouldn't you be here now?
If you really loved me, wouldn't you be showing me how?
If you truly cared I'd like to think you'd be understanding...
But the way you've left me behind its almost outstanding
Love was always suppose to conquer everything
But your love, it hasn't conquered anything.
So I'll be learning how to love with another man,
while you tried to get desperately shit faced as you can.
I'm really sad but it's not like it was,
It's not the anxiety or need of a buzz,
It's an empty sort of madness making me insane,
It feels as if my whole entire life's is a gigantic drain,
I can feel my soul literally wasting away
and it's been getting worse every single day
I can see all my loved ones moving on without me
Maybe I can't and I'm just giving myself a reason to flee
But still, I ought to try and get out of these ruts
Instead of this endless depression that has me going nuts