![Profile avatar image for Rosemary212](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/images.prod.theprose.com/user-94886-square-1595635108.png)
What do you want to be and tell me why you want to be it
I'm pretty lost as I just dropped out of a bad college program and I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself. I want to hear your aspirations so maybe I can be inspired. This will also give you a great oppurtunity for self-reflection
All I need is a nice poem
Write a poem on anything (except love) in any format. AND THE POEMS MUST RHYME! Don't make it too small or too long. The winner will receive an e certificate. Tag me in the comments as @Sanjana_S so that I can read your piece.
I can't quite seem to find you...
Take this however you want in whatever direction you want to, just be sure to include this line and tag me so I can read @chainedinshadow
Write about a dream. It could be one that you have had, or one that a character might have. It can be a dark, wild, and insane as you wish. But PLEASE don't use swear words. I will decide the winner. Thank you!
I'm in sufficating darkness. Icy water swirls around my waist, pulling me slowly along. A roar grows steadily louder. Suddenly a curtain of crystal is in front of me, pounding up foam. I can just make out sunshine and people laughing on the shore. I want, no, need to join them. The waterful flows faster, taunting me. I fill my lungs with air and dive. I've swam before, but this water is different. It's alive. It tosses me around, draging me to the bottem. There is nothing I can do. Rocks glint coldly all around me. But then a hand slices through the water, a beacon of hope.
i'm bored
vent your boredom here so you're not bored anymore. anything goes. make sure to tag me!
socks with tacos on them
anything goes, just base it off the prompt. make sure to tag me. i want to see your LOVELY work :)