My Favorite Babysitter
Bill comes over to babysit me
Even though I am thirteen
I like it when he plays games with me
And tells me I'm "his little queen"
My parents came home early yesterday
They saw Bill inside my room
I told them it's okay
Because he's leaving pretty soon
They said they didn't know him
The babysitter has been ill
Said "You are old enough to be alone.
Who fucking the hell is Bill!?"
A Grave Mistake
An evil spirt was locked up and buried away
Under heaps of rocks, soil and clay
Waiting, waiting for his next easy pray
An innocent caretaker then decided to say
The words on a tombstone so it could awake
An evil that lay dormant until that very day
The day hereby known as his grave mistake
The Race that is Life
Sand is falling
The future's calling
Time is moving day by day
I am chasing
Mostly racing
So I won't be dragged away
I see others
Sisters, brother
All of them are racing too
But some are walking
Some are mocking
Yet so far by me they have flew
I think are winning
Some even grinning
How did they get there at all
But one by one
They are done
In front of me they start to fall
They are sleeping
Or just lying, weeping
On the ground through them I run
I realize
Can see it rise
And finally then I see the sun
Up from the ground
I look around
I can see I'm not alone
I see the line
And fall behind
Right past me they all have flown
But I smile
For a while
And others eyes I meet
Because thats it
I have passed it
Now I have somewhere to rest my feet
There is a bird in a cage
That has no lock or key
She wishes she could fly away
But has noone to set her free
Most of the time she sits alone
All she can do is ponder
About how different life would be
If someone, somewhere, found her
But alas she has little hope
Of escaping this lonesome prison
Because one day very long ago
She was taught a valuable lesson
They came in at the dead of night
When she was her lowest
She prayed for them to set everything right
But just remained unnoticed
Then she heard a faint whisper
Come from their pale lips
"I have been where you are now
I promise you will live
But I am not who you think I am
Nobody holds the key
Your door is open there is no lock
Only you can set yourself free
If you only learnt to fly you could leave
You wouldn't ever have to stay
But I was you and you are me
I know the demons are hard to slay
So stop waiting and learn to fly
Before it is to late"
But the bird could not understand
So she just accepted her fate
It is something that is sad
When we forget how to fly
That we can soar above clouds
If only we would try
I never knew I had it in me. Moving in Grade 8 meant new town, new school, new teachers and new classes. But no motivation. I hated my trumpet and band
Till Grade 8. My band teacher showed me that I am special. That even though I made mistakes, I was still learning. It was the passion behind his words and caring in his eyes that got to me. I could tell he loved music, teaching and actually believed in me. Even when I did not. If its any consolation, I believe in you in the same way.
Serendipity and Me
The relationship I have with the universe is strained
Always pushing and pulling
Finding who I am and my purpose
Then it vanishes before my eyes
But I am learning to trust it
As when I stop, wait and breathe
I seem to find myself right where I am supposed to be
It seems we have a good relationship
Serendipity and Me
Pain shot through my body as I woke up on the cold concrete floor. I collected myself as I tried to sit up. As soon as I felt the gun in my right hand and doll in my left I was immidiately nervous and confused. It was Melissa's doll. My daughter. Why did I have it? I felt the walls for a lightswitch. When I found it I realized I was in the basement in my own house and must have fallen down the flight of stairs. Looking down at myself I saw lots of blood and a tiny handprint on my white shirt. What happened?
I ran up the stairs and started checking rooms. As I approached my daughters I knew deep down what I was about to find. When I opened the door my suspicions were confirmed. There she was, my little 4 year old angel, laying on the ground with a bullet hole to the chest. I became overwhelmed with so many emotions.
Then a sobbing sound came from behind me and I turned to see my wife. She looked like she had been in a fight.
"How could you!" She screamed "She was our daughter, I thought you loved her, I thought you loved me! I saw what you did to her and I can't look at you anymore. You're a monster!"
I didn't know what I had done. But had a feeling of what it was. I assumed it was my wife who pushed me down those stairs.
"I'm so sorry" I muttered as a loud bang filled the room and the final sound I heard was the breaking of a porcelain doll against the cold hard floor.