I'm interested in creativity. I have been writing stories and poems since 2016. About 40 of my stories have been published in my homeland
unemployes time...
write your unemployes depression
Ended October 18, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Sherzod
Warum denken alle, ich bin dumm?
Skriv om hvad du vil have. Hvorfor er der så mange idioter? Ved du?
Ended October 6, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by Sherzod
Why is life so hard like stone???
Jzzz...Cold...Life is hard....Hurt...Blood...Death...No money...Jzzz
Ended October 6, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by Sherzod
Why are you reading this challenge? Are you idle? Or do you have no other assigned job? What are the benefits of visiting this site? Do you want to introduce yourself to the world? Instead, take to the streets and give practical help to others. Please don't talk about life in front of the computer !!!
Have you ever wonder why you visit this site? So what has this site given you? Don’t you regret your past so much? Or are you an idiot? Go out of the site and give practical help to others. Lazy ///
Ended July 20, 2020 • 7 Entries • Created by Sherzod
Imagine an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth of your interlocutor. Her (his) armpits were also sweaty and you smelled an unpleasant odor. So what do you do?
Write anything you can. So what do you do in this situation? Scream? Laugh? Hate? or What? Maybe, you want kiss him (her)? Pls, don't tag me, cause I am very busy man. I have a big dreams:)
Ended July 27, 2020 • 3 Entries • Created by Sherzod
A choice to prove you are a fool. Don't you believe? Participate in it and prove that you are really stupid !!!
Write something. Have a great time. Because a lot of great things are actually stupid. But don't bother me ... Move on to stupidity
Ended July 17, 2020 • 3 Entries • Created by Sherzod
A choice for idiots. Participate if you are stupid...lol...biquts
Do you know why people in this world are so stupid, crazy and insane? Write your opinion and don’t leave a tag that bothers me. Be!
Ended July 22, 2020 • 3 Entries • Created by Sherzod
Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English, German, and Dutch - what are the similarities between the peoples of these nations belonging to the Germanic language family?
Write about things that are common to people of this nation. For example, maybe their appearance, dress, and certain customs are similar? So what unites these nations? Is there any general things between them?
Ended June 22, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Sherzod
The difference between British and American English. Also, why do both of English speakers hate other English dialects? Is that arrogant?
It is known that there are many English dialects in the world and they are different. But it's exactly two dialects: British and American when English speakers communicate with other dialects, "Aren't you British or American?" or will insult you with words like “you’re too rude” and will stop talking. Why is that? Why do these two categories consider other languages to be inferior? What are the advantages of these two categories? Tag me @Sherzod
Ended June 21, 2020 • 3 Entries • Created by Sherzod
What if the internet goes off for a day?
Imagine the news that the internet will be turned off one day all over the world. So what would happen to the world if the internet didn’t one day? Just write your imagination as a poem or a story...Tag me @Sherzod
Ended June 15, 2020 • 5 Entries • Created by Sherzod
Why is "Harry Potter" so popular? But there are so many books in the world! Why?!
We’ve all read this book by the famous Joanne Rowling a lot and watched her movies. Some companies are even paying for the film ... So why is it so popular? What is the secret? After all, thousands of books are published every year, but not all of them are as popular...
Ended June 15, 2020 • 3 Entries • Created by Sherzod
The black sides of racism and nationalism!!!
Yes this is a topic you are familiar with. Many people today are addicted to similar vices, and I am experiencing a similar negative situation. It's as if I'm alone and the whole world ignores me and people separate me ... If you have anything to say, write...
Ended June 15, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by Sherzod
A puzzle choice only for the smart and knowledgeable! Tanlov!
In this challenge, I am writing a puzzle in Uzbek (this is just the law of the game) But my post cannot be accurately translated via google translate. But can you find the answer to this puzzle based on logic and your own reasoning? If you think you are the smartest person (even if you don’t think so) try this puzzle! And don't forgot to tag me! @Sherzod!!! Tanlov...
Ended June 1, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Sherzod
Short stories competition!!!
Try to write a shorter story if possible. The number of words is not limited. The shorter the story - the better, so I wish you meaningful creativity...
Ended May 31, 2020 • 13 Entries • Created by Sherzod
The time is coming when people will turn into cars?
Do you believe that?
There is a lot of news and information about this today. Someone believes it, someone says it’s a lie. So do you believe that? Is mankind entering a new era?
Ended April 30, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by Sherzod
What can you do to avoid pornography? Do you have any advice or ideas?
As you know, many people, mostly young people, have now become slaves to the internet. Onanism is on the rise. Sex is out of the norm and that is alarming. Can you give advice on how to avoid porn videos?
Ended April 16, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Sherzod
Should children be taught about sexual behavior or is it embarrassing?
Yes, this is a delicate matter. But today, the problem of sexuality is increasing in today's youth. What's your opinion about the sexual vulnerability of young people on the Internet? Is there a solution? Do parents need to explain this sensitive topic to children?
Ended April 15, 2020 • 4 Entries • Created by Sherzod