Welcome to my weekly, one word prompt! Its all up to you :) Can one word guide your pen?
Ended November 19, 2018 • 3 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
Write an inspiration quote
Ended February 19, 2018 • 57 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
Write a sonnet. The theme is completely up to you.
Ended January 1, 2018 • 1 Entry • Created by YoungWriter
What is your favourite song lyric? Make sure to quote the singer and song. Don’t forget to tag me!
Ended November 8, 2017 • 89 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
Describe you perfect soulmate. Physical appearance and personality.
Ended September 10, 2017 • 2 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
Write about your biggest fear
Ended September 9, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by YoungWriter
Write about lying
Ended September 30, 2017 • 27 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
Let your words loose. Write freely. Let the world of prose see your true talent.
Ended August 28, 2017 • 22 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
Write a poem about you crush. Make them smile!
Ended December 27, 2016 • 13 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
This one is going to challenge even the most profound poets. I challenge you to write a poem with exactly 100 words. The theme of your poem must be about peaches. I'm curious to see what brave writers try this one out. good luck
Ended September 7, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by YoungWriter in Poetry & Free Verse
Write a short poem about failure. Don't forget to tag me!
Ended August 31, 2016 • 3 Entries • Created by YoungWriter in Poetry & Free Verse
This is a free write. Compose a writing piece and submit it here. All genres are welcome! Winner will be chosen based to the number of bookmarks, looks and reposts. Don't forget to tag me :)
Ended August 31, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by YoungWriter in Poetry & Free Verse
One word that will make you cry
Ended August 16, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by YoungWriter
A story with only 15 words
Ended August 9, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by YoungWriter in Fiction
One Hundred Word Challenge time!!! Write a short story with the word "perpendicular" in it, under 100 words.
Ended August 1, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by YoungWriter
A writing piece of any kind. Let the power of the supernatural guide your piece.
Ended August 10, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by YoungWriter