A Version of Fear
The fear that you will fail
The fear of rejection
The fear of leaping over the rail
Into unknown land
Afraid that when the ship sails
You'll wish you had
Keeps us afraid of the result
Worry brings us to a halt
Making a decision?
Thoughtfully considered
Mistakes crushing our ambition
Of course it is
Faith keeps you alive
Living and not just existing
Hoping it works out
Getting rid of all doubt
And in the end we say
"I don't know what I was so worried about,"
The Heart’s Happiness Flower
In the seasons of cold the flower is hidden
In the seasons of rain the flower grows
In the seasons of sun the flower blooms
The flower is strengthened
The flower truly comes alive
The flower shines bright among the grass
The flowers within are controlled by the seasons of our minds and hearts
The happiness stems from the heart
Only in the season of sunshine can true happiness bloom