The jig
It's in clouds
scudding so low I can clench them.
The sky can't be wrestled into possession
any more than my soul can balance
on the summit of a needle-point.
I tumble down the escarpment,
ad nauseum,
to where the soil clots in my hair.
It's where I learned to climb.
Every so often
I want to scamper back up,
barefoot over boulders
to get the forest out of my feet,
rappel back down and drink
with cupped hands from the wild stream,
to taste erosion from the rocks.
Midnight Snap
You’d think when people made crackers,
They wouldn’t shatter,
But here we are,
Early hours of the morning,
Eating defective crackers,
With cheese, salsa, and laughter,
Cause these pseudo-chips are mocking me,
And the entire row keeps breaking,
But it’s okay,
Because even when things seem to fall apart,
We’re always there together,
Picking up the crumbs,
And making things better.
the shadow on his face like
a comfortable parasite,
gulping to grey fatness.
his skin, pale as the surface
wilts lonely, desperate for
the fondle of dawn.
the future hangs overhead
and feeds the creature.
he knows, her breath is moist
with sweetness, able to
slaughter the shade, able to
beckon the warmth again.
her majesty brightens the
phantoms he projects and
he tastes the moment with her,
gentle licks of salvation.
Kingdom of the Blind
When we've taken vengeance on our enemies
When they have taken vengeance on us
When the battlements that used to be our homes crumble
When the world is darker and much less humble
Then we have truly lost our way
We will have lost the right to rule any day
Our simple pleasures will be lost
Our children taught to be soldiers at what cost
Our skies will darken with machines of war
The ground will bleed under military law
And we will have realised much too late
That war was the only means to seal our fate
Understanding is what is needed now
Empathy explained to those who don't know how
The ones who have never been shown any compassion
Who can only hate in measured fractions
Some people don't understand how good life can be
They can't relate to the simple joys of family
So we must show them how
Educate them with a new vow
That human life is sacred and should be revered
Murder, rape, terror and fear are seeds of destruction
They are the reckless paving stones to our undoing
And until we stop the process of an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye
The peace of our world will always be denied...
How naive we are to think this can end with more death
More terror, more casualties and regret until no-ones left
Except the grieving and angry of the innocent forsaken
Who will then perpetuate the cycle of the broken
And rise to fight in the names of the deceased
Now blinkered and in rage they no longer want their war to cease
They no longer listen to innocence, they no longer see reason
On all contents they continue to fight through the blood of the seasons
And we begin to disintegrate amongst the grief and the wreckage of our lives
Our world becomes so inhospitable that no one survives
And if by chance that we do
Would this be a life that you would want for you?...
Copyright Notice © Richard Withey. All rights reserved.
- My condolences and thoughts go out to all the people who have suffered needlessly for any war, for any act of terror (and greed) in any time.
I stand exposed in the open,
in the stillness, leaning
against the gusts, defiance
is the stitching woven strong
within my sails
and the eye is dark,
and the night is drenched
with fractures in my will.
I feel the sting when
currents brush against the breaks,
hoping to shatter wide,
that the wind might whistle
comforting tunes of sorrow.
and I will sway to the song,
embracing a purpose attainable.