Life is a kitten. Super duper cute and fluffy, until you get your eyes clawed out.
Life is like a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Some of it's good, but you never know when you're going to get something downright nasty.
Treading in dog shit!
It can be a bit smelly at times on the outside,
but it’s when you walk on your newly laid carpet
that all the shit hits the fan at once!
Julian Race - Life Coach Extraordinaire - 20/6/2020
life is like a taco held upside down,
when you are dumb or naive enough,
all the good stuff slips away,
and all you can do is cry your eyes out at your stupidity
Life is like scrambled eggs. Yellow, peppery, and sometimes you’ll find a shell or two.
Life is like Ice-Cream,
** ** **
Take the picture for instance;
I can say I have met a three and a five.
Depends is a lot like a metaphor.
It just depends when and how soon you need them.
being an ant!
You run your ass off all your life, working hard, part of a "Team"
only to have some big footed oaf tread on you, crush the life out of you
and leave you on the sidewalk!
Nick Sheezen @ your disposal!
Life is a chair. I guess. It doesn't make sense, but what does?. . .
Life is like a life.
It just is.
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