The Horror!
I wrote up something I quite liked, then realized I was 400 words over the limit... here are the pared down facts:
I don't watch horror, I was forbidden the genre as a teen by my mother (and was a silly kid who actually listened to her). I grew up, started recreating in the woods, and got a job working surveying for owls at night. I worked off trail in the darkest depths of night, miles and miles from anyone or anything. My greatest fear was falling and getting impaled by a sharp stick, or encountering a cougar (only once and I was in my truck). So...thanks Mom! No unearthly horrors to invade my brain in the dark woods.
I generally watch Pixar, Dreamworks, epic fantasy, kooky sci-fi, hopeful escapes, not something to make my brain add un-necessary horrors to the world.
full write up:
Bad Idea
Okay, so I remember when I was younger and my friends would be like: "you don't like horror movies???" So I thought, "do I?"
No. Absolutely not. Younger me realized that they were definitely not my thing after watching one on Tubi, so I never want to watch one again (yes, they scare me that much). I had a bad dream after that, and when I told my mom, she squinted at me and asked, "did you read or watch anything scary?"
So I said, "nooo..." and felt incredibly guilty afterwards. And that was the end of it - I haven't watched another since, and I am quite content with that. Anyway, I'd have to say that I don't really have a favorite genre exactly. As long as my conscience allows it and it has an interesting plot, I'm happy to watch it!
not really...
I guess it's not so much that I don't like horror movies, it's just that there's no better time of the year to start watching Hallmark movies :D
Ever since I met my best friend, we've been making jokes about us getting our Hallmark ending, so now I'm a sappy romantic, just waiting for my happy ending to begin.