You’re Alive Still
you’ve sold me
a radio without
rice without the
a place with no
a car with a
bum engine
I lived in your caves
and adapted
carried your words around
like stone tablets
-really believed in you and
your cause
well, you’ve taught me a thing or two
and as much as I’ve wanted
to hunt you down and
kill you
my bare hands
you’ve given me a
pure solitude.
i want to pour gasoline on my lips just to taste her better
she is deep blue flames
scorching all that she touches
i am begging to be burned
i have never wanted so much
to wake up with ashes on my skin
third-degree burns are not enough
i need to touch her again
there are fireworks
in my stomach
going off under my bones
i am wishing for embers
and communicating in moans
her lips are so hot
she could maim me with her fire
but i wouldn't mind dying
as long as i am her pyre
it's a blast of color
in my black and white heart-
so strong it almost knocks me out.
he sears my soul
with heart-throbbing smiles
and words i will never
be able to forget.
each day he says those
three simple words
he fills the cavities that
have taken hold in my heart.
takes me by surprise
time and time again.
Real Love
Your first experience of love happens unexpectedly, it is an emotion so strong, and so unexpected, that at first you do not fully understand this strange, new, compulsion.
Like a child learning to walk you stumble through your first love affair, and like a child who has learned the art of walking, you realise that to love somebody is a painful and life changing experience that, like walking, involves falling over, except that in affairs of the heart the pain is far more crippling.
Love is without doubt our strongest emotion and it drives us with such power that all other considerations become secondary. This is why the state of being in love leaves you open and defenceless to all manner of false alarms, and we've all been there. When the person you love tosses your feelings aside, there is no other pain quite as debilitating.
The most beautiful by product of love doesn't become apparent for quite some time. It can take many years of loving someone for it to to dawn on you that love is like a tree, it grows. From humble beginnings the act of love takes root, and these roots anchor themselves deep within your heart as the tree grows.
The longer you love someone, the more intense the feeling.
I met a certain someone over twenty four years ago and I can attest to the strength and force of love as it grew within me. Now, all these years later it rules my existence and I would not have it any other way. Love is truly beautiful.
I do so hope you find a love as strong as mine. It gives your life meaning in every sense.
But, beware the tumbles.
The silliest poem yet.
I like this boy and its just a stupid high school crush,
but every time I see him I get this little rush.
His eyes are warm and his hands worth holding.
Maybe one day he will take me bowling.
I wore his jacket one cold night now I can't get him out of my sight.
I thought I had a chance.
And it was gone in a glance.
But he doesn't want a girlfriend especially not me.
Wouldn't you agree?
So I sit back, while my hands are shaking.
And my heart still breaking.